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ADcmXL1021-1 integration with a controller

hello all

I'm looking for a good quality accelerometer and ADcmXL1021-1 seems to be it.

my main problem is that my controller made by Beckhoff does not support SPI and even if i'll acquire FB1111 unit of Beckhoff which support SPI i'll still need intermediate programmable element to program it to work with the module .

is there any other easier way to communicate with the ADcmXL1021-1?

thank you

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your post!

    If you plan on continue using the ADcmXL1021-1, your only communication option is through SPI. 
    If the Beckhoff microcontroller has an ADC, you may explore using ADXL1002, an analog output accelerometer. Fundamentally, ADcmXL1021-1 has ADXL1002 as its core sensor. 

    You may also use the ADXL1002 with the signal chain recommended in the data sheet as on-chip ADCs are not optimum:

    Hope this helps!

    Best regards,