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Permanent damage on ADXL355

I'll appreciate you if you could kindly let us know exact meaning of the description "permanent damage" noted in Table 5 of ADXL355 data sheet.

According to the table 5, in case ADXL355 is exposured to a vibration environment beyond the condition stipulated in MIL-STD-883 Mthod 2007 Cond.A,

permanent damage can be causeed on ADXL355.

I would like to know exact meaning of "permanent damage" and what issue possibly arises on ADXL355.

(Some kind of pendulum clollides on walls inside of ADXL355 under overanged acceleration condition?)

In addition, we are utilizing also another MEMS sensor ADXL357.

However no description about vibration limit cannot be found in the data sheet of ADXL357.

Could you provide information on vibration limit of ADXL357?

I appreciate you in advance.

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your interest in our products! 
    II'll pass this around to my colleagues and will get back to you as soon as I have an answer. 

    Best regards,

  • Hi ,

    Here's an update for your query. 

    The damage that could happen to the device could be damage to the sensing element (fingers/proof mass). This could lead to breaking of the sensing element and would then result to debris/particles that are stuck in between sensing elements. 
    Using this for high vibration environments could lead to the wear of the anti-stiction material which would then be the result for stiction. 

    Even though it is not stated in the datasheet, it is not a best practice to subject the device beyond its intended function. 

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

  • Good to see you, Mr. John,

    I heartilly appreciate that you kindly replied to my inquiries in detail. 
    I understood that the sensing element could be worn out and then damaged if the device is exposed to a high vibration environment.

    According to your reply, I should know exactly about  a vibration criteria of your device ADXL357.
    However, I'm afraid that no information on the vibration criteria stipulated to ADXL357 is described in its data sheet. 

    I'm grateful if you could let me know about exact vibration criteria of ADXL357. (acceleration limit, vibration frequency and so on)
    Note; As for another device ADXL355, its vibration criteria is clearly mentioned in the data sheet.

    I appreciate you in advance.


    Fukuoka, (F_Tak)

  • Good to see you, Mr. John,

    I heartilly appreciate that you kindly replied to my inquiries in detail. 
    I understood that the sensing element could be worn out and then damaged if the device is exposed to a high vibration environment.

    According to your reply, I should know exactly about  a vibration criteria of your device ADXL357.
    However, I'm afraid that no information on the vibration criteria stipulated to ADXL357 is described in its data sheet. 

    I'm grateful if you could let me know about exact vibration criteria of ADXL357. (acceleration limit, vibration frequency and so on)
    Note; As for another device ADXL355, its vibration criteria is clearly mentioned in the data sheet.

    I appreciate you in advance.


    Fukuoka, (F_Tak)

    >> I hope someone could kindly reply to my inquiry.

         I would like to know about vibration criteria of ADXL357 that is not stipulated in its data sheet.

  • Our company is plannning to utilize ADXL357 on our inertial sensor devices.

    For the purpose to confirm validity of selecting ADXL357, I need some detailed information on it.

    Especially exact information on its vibration criteria is in urgent necessity.

    I checked its data sheet, however no infoamtion on its vibration criteria is described unexpectedly.

    I would like someone to generously let me know its vibration criteria such as accerelaration, frequency and so on.

    I appreciate someone kind in advance.

  • Hi ,

    Sorry for the delayed response. 

    For this I think an NDA would be required. I'll contact you again as I have no access to the exact information that you need. 

    Best regards,

  • HI

    Permanent damage on the part occurs when it is exposed to vibrations with amplitude of over 4x the Full Scale Range, which means this would happen on the ADXL357 at 160 g. This would close the gap of the accelerometer's fingers which would then wear out the anti-stiction material. Please also note that when the vibration frequency gets close to the resonance, the mechanical gain must also be considered. This is about 4 - 6 kHz. 

    Hope this helps. 

    Best regards,

  • I heartilly appreciate yor kind support for us.

    Your explanation is quite helpful to make us understand about ADXL357.

    Sorry to ask you the followings here again.

    1) The graphs on ADXL356

        I suppose that the graphs provided in your previous mail show frequency response of "ADXL356".

        But your product data sheet shows the different graphs of "ADXL357 ".

        The graphs of ADXL357 show that the frequency response of each axis decends over 1kHz.

        I think that the frequency characteristics can be different between ADXL356 and 357.

        I'm grateful if you could kindly let me know exactly about the meanings of the difference.

    2) Proof mass

        Considering the difference of the frequency responce charasteristics between ADXL355 and 357,

        I infer that different types of proof mass are assembled on ADXL356 and 357 respectively.

        I'll appreciate you if you could give some more explanation about the proof mass.

    I appreciate your generous support for us afresh.




  • Hi, Mr. John,

    Based on your inforation on the acceleration limits, I conducted vibration tests on both ADXL355 and 357. 

    ADXL355 actually output abnormal data as it was vibrated over the limit condition that you had informed me.

    However, another one, ADXL357 unexpectedly output abnormal data at much lower vibration acceralation condition. 

    Output accerelation values went over neutral accerelation (0G) and didn't go down to 0G for a while.  

    I'm grateful if you could kindly let me know why ADXL357 went into the abnormal status although accerelation of our vibration test didn't reach to limit. 

  • Hi ,

    1. Both ADXL356 and 357 use the same MEMS. The only difference lies on ADXL357's digital filter which then limits its frequency response. 
    2. With that, both proof masses on ADXL356 and ADXL357 are the same. 

    Hope this helps!

    Best regards,
