I'll appreciate you if you could kindly let us know exact meaning of the description "permanent damage" noted in Table 5 of ADXL355 data sheet.
According to the table 5, in case ADXL355 is exposured to a vibration environment beyond the condition stipulated in MIL-STD-883 Mthod 2007 Cond.A,
permanent damage can be causeed on ADXL355.
I would like to know exact meaning of "permanent damage" and what issue possibly arises on ADXL355.
(Some kind of pendulum clollides on walls inside of ADXL355 under overanged acceleration condition?)
In addition, we are utilizing also another MEMS sensor ADXL357.
However no description about vibration limit cannot be found in the data sheet of ADXL357.
Could you provide information on vibration limit of ADXL357?
I appreciate you in advance.