I am working on Ad9361 Design.
I want to avoid the complexity of DDR3 RAM on my pcb.
Can I use HyperRAM (S80KS5123, Infineon), it needs 11 pins only
Does zynq-7020 supports integration with HyperRAM (11 pins, OctaSPI interface and clk=200Mhz)
Another approach could be to use a Artix-7-100T FPGA,
Run Microblaze(No-OS code), avoid the RAM completely.
use BlockRams only. FIFO blocks for Pkt buffer(both tx and rx) after usb2.0
I will be using usb2.0 with OFDM based HDL integrated with ad936x HDL core.
Also can I use zynq-7020 without any ram. I may run the hard-core in bare-metal mode without any OS, is it feasible?