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ADF7xxx EZkit Design Suite Issue

Category: Software

I am facing problem while using the ADF7xxx design suite for configuring and evaluating an ADF7030-1 Evaluation board. Configuration files are generated, and USB logs also show information, but the evaluation board transmits at the frequency and transmit port previously selected using the controls present in the display board kept above the evaluation motherboard. The transmit power goes to default values (13 dBm for PA1 and 15 dBm for PA2) irrespective of the power value selected in the software. I believe that the register values inside the ADF7030 IC are not getting updated. Following is a series of actions done which led to the above-said conclusion.  

Setup: ADF7030-1 Evaluation board is used as a transmitter. SMA cable from one of the transmit ports connected to Spectrum Analyser (SA) through a 30 dB attenuator.  

Action: Set transmission for PA2, 0 dBm power, 435 MHz center frequency using display controls. Check in SA. 

Observation: Peak of -28.7 dBm seen at 435 MHz.  

Action: Launch the design center and set transmission for PA1, 10 dBm, 433 MHz using the software. Check in SA.

Observation: Peak of -15 dBm seen at 435 MHz at transmit port 2. Peak of -50 dBm seen at 435 MHz at transmit port 1.   

Action: Close the software. Set PA1, 10 dBm, 431 MHz using display controls. Check in SA.

Observation: Peak of -19.8 dBm at 431 MHz at transmit port 1.   

Action: Launch the software, Configure PA2, 0 dBm, 436 MHz. Check in SA.

Observation: Peak of -17 dBm at 431 at transmit port 1. It means the transmit power must have been 13 dBm.  

This has been tried by using the software on two different computers, and on two different evaluation boards. Kindly advise on how to proceed.

  • Hi Prakhar,


    Have you tried running in using the Evaluation Mode? You can try configuring the device first, then proceed to the Radio Evaluation tab. Select Tx Test Modes and examine the resulting signal on the Spectrum Analyzer.

    If you want to use your usecase, you can upload it by going to the file menu and selecting Save to EEPROM, this will allow you to use your own usecase while using the options on the Evaluation board's LCD display.




  • Thank you for your response, Dianne!

    Yes, I opened it in the Evaluation mode. There, I first changed the frequency, transmit port and power output values. Then proceeded with the Evaluation tab and clicked on CW transmission under Tx tests. However, the power values were default ones, and the frequency differed from what was expected. Now that you mentioned 'Save to EEPROM', I tried clicking on this after setting the field values in the configuration tab, but nothing happened. The results are still the same as earlier. Perhaps, I am not using the software properly. It would be great if you could provide a step-by-step procedure for configuring an ADF7030 using the software.

  • Ideally, I want to change the configuration multiple times and evaluate the performance. The Radio Evaluation is not acting as per the values given in Radio Configuration tab.

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