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automatic gain setting of adrv9002 by pyadi-iio or iio-oscilloscope

Category: Software
Product Number: ADRV9002
Software Version: 2022_R2


    I'm testing the agc function with platform acu102+adrv9002, the software is pyadi-iio and iio-oscilloscope. First I generated profile by TES, but no matter what I changed in Gain Control->RX1 signal Detection, the profile has no change at all. When loaded profile which with agc open, the defaut setting in iio-oscilloscope is still 'spi' . So I have some questions:

1.   the usr guide of pyadi-iio show interfaces gain has many values can setting, but in TES it's always 0dB. I tried to set it in pyadi-iio by sdr.interface_gain_chan0='6dB', it always still 0dB. So this function is unvalid?

2. In iio-oscilloscope or pyadi-iio can manually change rx gain mode to automatic to enable agc, but what is the default parameters of agc as I can set them at all. parameters are like below
