npsimulator2@npsimulator2-Precision-3660:~/custom_build/ADRV$ petalinux-build
[INFO] Sourcing buildtools
[INFO] Building project
[INFO] Silentconfig project
[INFO] Silentconfig rootfs
[INFO] Generating workspace directory
INFO: bitbake petalinux-image-minimal
NOTE: Started PRServer with DBfile: /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/cache/prserv.sqlite3, Address:, PID: 770294
Loading cache: 100% |########################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00
Loaded 6323 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% |######################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:01
Parsing of 4404 .bb files complete (4384 cached, 20 parsed). 6343 targets, 333 skipped, 1 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Initialising tasks: 100% |###################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:02
Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% |###########################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:08
Sstate summary: Wanted 502 Local 24 Mirrors 442 Missed 36 Current 1196 (92% match, 97% complete)
Removing 2 stale sstate objects for arch zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg: 100% |######################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00
NOTE: Executing Tasks
ERROR: device-tree-xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0 do_configure: ExecutionError('/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/temp/run.do_configure.771554', 2, None, None)
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/temp/log.do_configure.771554
Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing python function extend_recipe_sysroot
| NOTE: Direct dependencies are ['/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/binutils/', '/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/', '/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/', '/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/quilt/', '/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-kernel/kern-tools/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/meta-virtualization/recipes-kernel/dtc/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-core/recipes-bsp/u-boot/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/bison/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/patch/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/pkgconfig/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-extended/bc/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-extended/xz/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-kernel/dtc/', 'virtual:default:/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/poky/meta/recipes-kernel/kmod/']
| NOTE: Installed into sysroot: []
| NOTE: Skipping as already exists in sysroot: ['binutils-cross-aarch64', 'gcc-cross-aarch64', 'libgcc', 'quilt-default', 'kern-tools-default', 'python3-dtc-default', 'u-boot-tools-xlnx-default', 'bison-default', 'patch-default', 'pkgconfig-default', 'pseudo-default', 'python3-pyyaml-default', 'python3-default', 'bc-default', 'xz-default', 'dtc-default', 'kmod-default', 'sqlite3-default', 'libnsl2-default', 'openssl-default', 'util-linux-libuuid-default', 'libtirpc-default', 'ncurses-default', 'libffi-default', 'gdbm-default', 'bzip2-default', 'libtool-default', 'readline-default', 'zlib-default', 'texinfo-dummy-default', 'flex-default', 'gettext-minimal-default', 'attr-default', 'swig-default', 'util-linux-default', 'python3-setuptools-default', 'gnutls-default', 'gnu-config-default', 'linux-libc-headers', 'glibc', 'zstd-default', 'gmp-default', 'libmpc-default', 'mpfr-default', 'python3-cython-default', 'libyaml-default', 'python3-picobuild-default', 'python3-installer-default', 'python3-wheel-default', 'python3-setuptools-scm-default', 'perl-default', 'm4-default', 'libpcre-default', 'libpcre2-default', 'libcap-ng-default', 'libidn2-default', 'nettle-default', 'libunistring-default', 'python3-flit-core-default', 'python3-typing-extensions-default', 'python3-packaging-default', 'python3-pip-default', 'python3-tomli-default', 'python3-pyparsing-default', 'make-default', 'unzip-default']
| DEBUG: Python function extend_recipe_sysroot finished
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_configure
| MISC_ARG is -hdf_type xsa -yamlconf /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/device-tree.yaml
| APP_ARG is -app "device-tree"
| Using xsct from: /media/npsimulator2/D/workspace/opt/pkg/PetaLinux/2023.2/tool/tools/xsct/bin/xsct
| cmd is: xsct -sdx -nodisp /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/dtgen.tcl -ws /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/plnx_workspace/device-tree -pname device-tree -rp /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/git -processor_ip psu_cortexa53 -hdf /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/deploy/images/zynqmp-generic-xczu9eg/Xilinx-zynqmp-generic-xczu9eg.xsa -arch 64 -app "device-tree" -hdf_type xsa -yamlconf /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/device-tree.yaml
| WARNING: sdtgen package cannot be loaded. System Device tree commands will not
| be available
| INFO: [Hsi 55-2053] elapsed time for repository (/media/npsimulator2/D/workspace/opt/pkg/PetaLinux/2023.2/tool/tools/xsct/data/embeddedsw) loading 0 seconds
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: Clock pin "fifo_wr_clk" of IP block "axi_adrv9001_rx1_dma" is not connected to any of the pl_clk"
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: Clock pin "fifo_wr_clk" of IP block "axi_adrv9001_rx2_dma" is not connected to any of the pl_clk"
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: Clock pin "m_axis_aclk" of IP block "axi_adrv9001_tx1_dma" is not connected to any of the pl_clk"
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: Clock pin "m_axis_aclk" of IP block "axi_adrv9001_tx2_dma" is not connected to any of the pl_clk"
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.C_PCIE_MODE' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.C_PCIE_MODE' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.C_PCIE_MODE' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.PSU__SATA__LANE0__ENABLE' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.PSU__SATA__LANE1__ENABLE' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: Frequency 33.333333333 used instead of 33.333
| WARNING: Frequency 33.333 used instead of 27.00
| zocl:false
| ext_platform:
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'C_ETH_MODE' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'C_CPU_1X_CLK_FREQ_HZ' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'C_EMIO_GPIO_WIDTH' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'C_MIO_GPIO_MASK' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'C_QSPI_MODE' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'C_SDIO_CLK_FREQ_HZ' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: psu_usb_xhci_0: No reset found
| WARNING: label 'usb0' found in existing tree
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| WARNING: [Common 17-673] Cannot get value of property 'CONFIG.def_dts' because this property is not valid in conjunction with other property setting on this object.
| INFO: [Common 17-14] Message 'Common 17-673' appears 100 times and further instances of the messages will be disabled. Use the Tcl command set_msg_config to change the current settings.
| hsi::generate_target: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 653.402 ; gain = 1.699 ; free physical = 3134 ; free virtual = 24092
| cmd is: xsct -sdx -nodisp /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0//home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-core/gen-machine-conf/gen-machine-scripts/petalinux_hsm_bridge.tcl -c /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/config -hdf /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/plnx_workspace/device-tree/device-tree/hardware_description.xsa -repo /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/git -data /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0//home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-core/gen-machine-conf/gen-machine-scripts/data/ -sw /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/plnx_workspace/device-tree/device-tree -o /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/plnx_workspace/device-tree/device-tree -a soc_mapping
| WARNING: sdtgen package cannot be loaded. System Device tree commands will not
| be available
| INFO: [Hsi 55-2053] elapsed time for repository (/media/npsimulator2/D/workspace/opt/pkg/PetaLinux/2023.2/tool/tools/xsct/data/embeddedsw) loading 0 seconds
| psu_cortexa53_0
| sed: can't read /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/zynqmp-zcu102-revA.dts: No such file or directory
| WARNING: /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/temp/run.do_configure.771554:275 exit 2 from 'sed -i '0,/\/dts-v1\/;/s//&\n#include "pl.dtsi"/' "${dtb_tag_file}"'
| WARNING: Backtrace (BB generated script):
| #1: do_configure, /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/temp/run.do_configure.771554, line 275
| #2: main, /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/temp/run.do_configure.771554, line 398
ERROR: Task (/home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/components/yocto/layers/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-core/recipes-bsp/device-tree/ failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 4378 tasks of which 4370 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
Summary: 1 task failed:
Summary: There was 1 ERROR message, returning a non-zero exit code.
ERROR: Failed to build project. Check the /home/npsimulator2/custom_build/ADRV/build/build.log file for more details...