Hello, I am trying to bring up the AD9083EBZ with a ZCU102 rev 1.1 board. I've tried using the Kuiper Linux 2022_r2 image, but I'm unable to boot from SD card.
I don't get any output from UART and the INIT_B LED is red, so I'm guessing it is not getting past the FSBL. I've verified that I can boot from a PetaLinux-built image, so it's not an issue with the boot mode switches. My understanding is that with the Rev 1.1 board, the FSBL needs to be updated for the new DDR part. The folder in the boot partition of the Kuiper image is labeled "zcu102-rev10" so I'm assuming this is only compatible with Rev 1.0 boards.
Could someone assist in providing a BOOT.BIN that's compatible with Rev 1.1, or point me to steps to build this manually?