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ADRV9002: Local Selection for RX1/RX2

Category: Software
Product Number: ADRV9002
Software Version: 2021_R2

I am looking for a local selection for RX1/RX2.
I want to use the same local on RX1 and RX2.
Can the "TX1/TX2/RX1/RX2 MUX" listed in "Figure 95. Lo Switching Network" of UG-1828 be selected individually in the Linux driver?
Or are they automatically selected by the TDD/FDD settings and not individually selectable?
Also, is it possible to check the current settings?

Best regards

Thread Notes

  • Hi,

    Can the "TX1/TX2/RX1/RX2 MUX" listed in "Figure 95. Lo Switching Network" of UG-1828 be selected individually in the Linux driver?

    No, that information comes from the profile you generated and loaded into the device.

    Also, is it possible to check the current settings?

    Yes, if you read the current profile (by doing `cat` on the profile_config attribute), you'll be able to see the LO muxes... Also note that the driver will automatically try to do the right thing when you're changing the LO. For instance, if you have a FDD profile with TX1/TX2 mapped on the same LO and if you change the LO on TX1, the driver will automatically change the LO for TX2 as well (as it's not really possible to have different LOs at the same time for TX1/TX2).

    - Nuno Sá