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RuntimeError: Unable to create context

Category: Software



I am trying to configure AD9081+ZCU102 on the GNU Radio. My environment is: Virtual Machine of Ubuntu 20.04 on Windows, GNU Radio 3.8. But an error occurs, see below:

I have checked other similar question in the forum. The answer is usually the IP error. But I am sure the ip address on my ZCU102 is, because I can connect to it using this address on Matlab.

This is the result of "iio_info -s":

root@analog:~# iio_info -s
Library version: 0.24 (git tag: accb7b5)
Compiled with backends: local xml ip usb serial
Available contexts:
        0: (AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ on Stingray ZynqMP ZCU102 Rev1.0), serial=00045 [ip:analog.local]
        1: (adar1000_csb_2_2, xud_control, adar1000_csb_1_4, axi-core-tdd, adar1000_csb_1_2, hmc7044, ams, axi-ad9081-tx-hpc, adar1000_c on Stingray ZynqMP ZCU102 Rev1.0) [local:]

Do you have any idea about my question? I would really appreciate it!

