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ad9176 channel interpolation issue

Category: Software
Product Number: ad9176_ebz, ad9176


based on ad9176 datasheet

in mode4 and single link mode, channel interplation should be 2x or 3x but in,  adi,channel-interpolation = <4>; and there isn't adi,dual-link property this means this node is in single-link so channel-interpolation should be 2 or 3, why this is 4, and when i set this property to 3 for example jesd_status is:

and i attach my iio_info output in this situation,

Library version: 0.24 (git tag: accb7b5)
Compiled with backends: local xml ip usb serial
IIO context created with local backend.
Backend version: 0.24 (git tag: accb7b5)
Backend description string: Linux ad9172 5.10.0-xilinx-v2021.2 #1 SMP Tue Oct 10 13:10:16 UTC 2023 aarch64
IIO context has 2 attributes:
	local,kernel: 5.10.0-xilinx-v2021.2
	uri: local:
IIO context has 4 devices:
	iio:device0: ams
		30 channels found:
			voltage6: vccpsintfpddr (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 18078
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage14: vccpsio2 (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 19533
				attr  1: scale value: 0.091552734
			voltage16: psmgtravtt (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 39253
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage23: vccplintlp (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 18070
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage0: vcc_pspll0 (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 26067
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage22: vccbram (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 18284
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage26: vccams (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 39191
				attr  1: scale value: 0.015258789
			voltage8: vccpsintfp (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 18045
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			temp1: remote_temp (input)
			3 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: offset value: -36058
				attr  1: raw value: 40906
				attr  2: scale value: 7.771514892
			voltage9: vccpsaux (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 39284
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage25: vccplaux (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 39261
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage18: vccint (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 18470
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage15: psmgtravcc (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 18528
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			temp0: ps_temp (input)
			3 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: offset value: -36058
				attr  1: raw value: 41236
				attr  2: scale value: 7.771514892
			voltage2: vccint (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 18229
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage5: vcc_psddrpll (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 39262
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage21: vccvrefn (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 6
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage7: vccpsintlp (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 18064
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage11: vccpsio3 (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 35862
				attr  1: scale value: 0.091552734
			temp2: pl_temp (input)
			3 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: offset value: -36058
				attr  1: raw value: 40566
				attr  2: scale value: 7.771514892
			voltage13: vccpsio1 (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 19534
				attr  1: scale value: 0.091552734
			voltage3: vccbram (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 18257
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage4: vccaux (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 39271
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage12: vccpsio0 (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 19528
				attr  1: scale value: 0.091552734
			voltage10: vccpsddr (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 26328
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage24: vccplintfp (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 18080
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage1: vcc_psbatt (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 987
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage19: vccaux (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 39236
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
			voltage17: vccams (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 39299
				attr  1: scale value: 0.015258789
			voltage20: vccvrefp (input)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: raw value: 27293
				attr  1: scale value: 0.045776367
		1 device-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: sampling_frequency ERROR: Invalid argument (22)
		No trigger on this device
	iio:device1: hmc7044
		4 channels found:
			altvoltage2: DAC_CLK (output)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 368640000
				attr  1: phase value: 0.000000
			altvoltage3: DAC_SYSREF (output)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 1920000
				attr  1: phase value: 0.000000
			altvoltage12: FPGA_CLK (output)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 368640000
				attr  1: phase value: 0.000000
			altvoltage13: FPGA_SYSREF (output)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 1920000
				attr  1: phase value: 0.000000
		7 device-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: mute_request value: 0
				attr  1: reseed_request value: 0
				attr  2: reset_dividers_request value: 0
				attr  3: sleep_request value: 0
				attr  4: sync_pin_mode value: disable
				attr  5: sync_pin_mode_available value: disable sync sysref sync_else_sysref
				attr  6: sysref_request value: 0
		2 debug attributes found:
				debug attr  0: status ERROR: Input/output error (5)
				debug attr  1: direct_reg_access value: 0x0
		No trigger on this device
	iio:device2: axi-ad9172-hpc (buffer capable)
		15 channels found:
			voltage0_i:  (output, index: 0, format: le:S16/16>>0)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
			voltage0_q:  (output, index: 1, format: le:S16/16>>0)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
			voltage1_i:  (output, index: 2, format: le:S16/16>>0)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
			voltage1_q:  (output, index: 3, format: le:S16/16>>0)
			2 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
			voltage1: nco (output)
			4 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: enable value: 0
				attr  1: frequency value: 0
				attr  2: phase value: 0
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
			altvoltage3: TX1_Q_F2 (output)
			5 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
				attr  1: phase value: 0
				attr  2: raw value: 1
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  4: scale value: 0.250000
			altvoltage5: TX2_I_F2 (output)
			5 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
				attr  1: phase value: 90000
				attr  2: raw value: 1
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  4: scale value: 0.250000
			voltage6: nco (output)
			4 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: enable value: 0
				attr  1: frequency value: 0
				attr  2: phase value: 0
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
			altvoltage2: TX1_Q_F1 (output)
			5 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
				attr  1: phase value: 0
				attr  2: raw value: 1
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  4: scale value: 0.250000
			altvoltage1: TX1_I_F2 (output)
			5 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
				attr  1: phase value: 90000
				attr  2: raw value: 1
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  4: scale value: 0.250000
			altvoltage7: TX2_Q_F2 (output)
			5 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
				attr  1: phase value: 0
				attr  2: raw value: 1
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  4: scale value: 0.250000
			altvoltage4: TX2_I_F1 (output)
			5 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
				attr  1: phase value: 90000
				attr  2: raw value: 1
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  4: scale value: 0.250000
			altvoltage0: TX1_I_F1 (output)
			5 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
				attr  1: phase value: 90000
				attr  2: raw value: 1
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  4: scale value: 0.250000
			altvoltage6: TX2_Q_F1 (output)
			5 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
				attr  1: phase value: 0
				attr  2: raw value: 1
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
				attr  4: scale value: 0.250000
			voltage0: nco (output)
			4 channel-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: enable value: 0
				attr  1: frequency value: 0
				attr  2: phase value: 0
				attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
		2 device-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: sync_start_enable value: disarm
				attr  1: sync_start_enable_available value: arm
		2 buffer-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: data_available value: 0
				attr  1: length_align_bytes value: 16
		1 debug attributes found:
				debug attr  0: direct_reg_access value: 0x18
		No trigger on this device
		0 channels found:
		2 device-specific attributes found:
				attr  0: add_trigger ERROR: Permission denied (13)
				attr  1: remove_trigger ERROR: Permission denied (13)
		No trigger on this device

when this property is 4 every thing is ok,

  • I would read this table differently. 4x8 is a valid configuration for both single and dual.

    Can you please provide your exact dts modifications?

    It's likely the case that the clock chip needs a different configuration if you change the interpolation factors...


  • 4x8 is a valid configuration for both single and dual

    so 2x6, 2x8, 3x6, 3x8 is for only one (single or dual)? can you clear this for me?

    clock chip needs a different configuration

    and so in my case (3x8 and due to the my devicetree I posted in previous response) what is this configuration?


  • so 2x6, 2x8, 3x6, 3x8 is for only one (single or dual)? can you clear this for me?

    Those are valid values for single and dual link, as long as you don't violate the max channel NCO clock rate of 1540 MHz.

    and so in my case (3x8 and due to the my devicetree I posted in previous response) what is this configuration?

    diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9172-fmc-ebz-mode4.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9172-fmc-ebz-mode4.dts
    index 08d20a54503a..ff80999aae97 100644
    --- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9172-fmc-ebz-mode4.dts
    +++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9172-fmc-ebz-mode4.dts
    @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
      * hdl_project: <dac_fmc_ebz/zcu102>
      * board_revision: <>
    - * JESD Link Mode 4 Example: M4, L4, S1, F2,  NP'16, Interpolation: 4*8
    + * JESD Link Mode 4 Example: M4, L4, S1, F2,  NP'16, Interpolation: 3*8
      * Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Analog Devices Inc.
    @@ -22,11 +22,17 @@ &dac0_ad9172 {
            adi,jesd-subclass = <1>;
            adi,dac-interpolation = <8>;
    -       adi,channel-interpolation = <4>;
    +       adi,channel-interpolation = <3>;
            adi,clock-output-divider = <4>;
    +       //jesd204-ignore-errors;
     &axi_ad9172_adxcvr {
            adi,out-clk-select = <XCVR_REFCLK_DIV2>;
    +&hmc7044_c12 {
    +       adi,extended-name = "FPGA_CLK";
    +       adi,divider = <6>;      // 491.52 MHz

    With this configuration the link will come up.

      (DEVICES) Found 1 JESD204 Link Layer peripherals
      (0): axi-jesd204-tx/84a90000.axi-jesd204-tx  [*]
      Link is                      enabled
      Link Status                  DATA
      Measured Link Clock (MHz)    245.779
      Reported Link Clock (MHz)    245.760
      Measured Device Clock (MHz)  245.779
      Reported Device Clock (MHz)  245.760
      Desired Device Clock (MHz)   245.760
      Lane rate (MHz)              9830.400
      Lane rate / 40 (MHz)         245.760
      LMFC rate (MHz)              15.360
      SYSREF captured              Yes
      SYSREF alignment error       No
      SYNC~                        deasserted

    Some more info below:

    [    5.041074] cf_axi_dds 84a04000.axi-ad9172-hpc: Analog Devices CF_AXI_DDS_DDS MASTER (9.01.b) at 0x84A04000 mapped to 0x(____ptrval____), probed DDS AD917x
    [    5.055863] axi_adxcvr 84a60000.axi-adxcvr-tx: AXI-ADXCVR-TX (17.05.a) using QPLL on GTH4 at 0x84A60000. Number of lanes: 4.
    [    5.067452] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition initialized -> probed
    [    5.085409] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition probed -> idle
    [    5.095505] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition idle -> device_init
    [    5.106041] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition device_init -> link_init
    [    5.117012] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_init -> link_supported
    [    5.133829] hmc7044 spi1.0: hmc7044_jesd204_link_pre_setup: Link0 forcing continuous SYSREF mode
    [    5.146969] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_supported -> link_pre_setup
    [    5.173674] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_pre_setup -> clk_sync_stage1
    [    5.185423] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition clk_sync_stage1 -> clk_sync_stage2
    [    5.197251] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition clk_sync_stage2 -> clk_sync_stage3
    [    5.211091] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition clk_sync_stage3 -> link_setup
    [    5.222482] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_setup -> opt_setup_stage1
    [    5.233967] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition opt_setup_stage1 -> opt_setup_stage2
    [    5.245975] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition opt_setup_stage2 -> opt_setup_stage3
    [    5.257977] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition opt_setup_stage3 -> opt_setup_stage4
    [    5.269980] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition opt_setup_stage4 -> opt_setup_stage5
    [    5.281987] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition opt_setup_stage5 -> clocks_enable
    [    5.294100] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition clocks_enable -> link_enable
    [    5.316762] ad9172 spi1.1: Link0 code_grp_sync: f
    [    5.321459] ad9172 spi1.1: Link0 frame_sync_stat: f
    [    5.326328] ad9172 spi1.1: Link0 good_checksum_stat: f
    [    5.331457] ad9172 spi1.1: Link0 init_lane_sync_stat: f
    [    5.336674] ad9172 spi1.1: Link0 4 lanes @ 9830400 kBps
    [    5.341891] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_enable -> link_running
    [    5.353721] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_running -> opt_post_running_stage
    [    5.365909] axi-jesd204-tx 84a90000.axi-jesd204-tx: AXI-JESD204-TX (1.06.a) at 0x84A90000. Encoder 8b10b, width 4/4, lanes 4, jesd204-fsm.
    root@analog:~# cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary 
                                     enable  prepare  protect                                duty         hardware
       clock                          count    count    count        rate   accuracy phase  cycle  nshot    enable
     clkin2_0                             0        0        0           0          0     0  50000        0
     clkin1_0                             0        0        0           0          0     0  50000        0
     si570_mgt                            0        0        0   148499999          0     0  50000        0
     si570_user                           0        0        0   299999999          0     0  50000        0
     hmc7044_out13                        0        0        0     1920000          0     0  50000        0
     hmc7044_out12                        3        3        1   491520000          0     0  50000        0
        tx_out_clk                        1        1        0   245760000          0     0  50000        0
        dac_gt_clk                        1        1        1     9830400          0     0  50000        0
     hmc7044_out3                         0        0        0     1920000          0     0  50000        0
     hmc7044_out2                         1        1        0   368640000          0     0  50000        0
    root@analog:~# iio_info 
    iio_info version: 0.25 (git tag:8fb78e06)
    Libiio version: 0.25 (git tag: 8fb78e0) backends: local xml ip usb serial
    IIO context created with local backend.
    Backend version: 0.25 (git tag: 8fb78e0)
    Backend description string: Linux analog 5.15.0-20997-g527d7b34564d-dirty #3427 SMP Wed Jan 17 09:23:28 CET 2024 aarch64
    IIO context has 10 attributes:
            hdl_system_id: [dac_fmc_ebz] [AD9172 - 04] on [zcu102] git branch [hdl_2022_r2] git [b31d4fbba87a96f329f858da3118771503c7c6b4] clean [2023-11-01 17:22:20] UTC
            hw_model: AD9172-FMC-EBZ on ZynqMP ZCU102 Rev1.0
            hw_carrier: ZynqMP ZCU102 Rev1.0
            hw_mezzanine: AD9172-FMC-EBZ
            hw_name: AD9172-FMC-EBZ
            hw_vendor: Analog Devices
            hw_serial: Empty Field
            unique_id: aaed04000519000b00d7f8bfc576
            local,kernel: 5.15.0-20997-g527d7b34564d-dirty
            uri: local:
    IIO context has 24 devices:
            hwmon0: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 7
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1225000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 848
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1446
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon1: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 250000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 845
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 292
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon10: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 3
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1375000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 844
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1611
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 2000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon11: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 25000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 849
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 31
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon12: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 287500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1795
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 164
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon13: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 12500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1201
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 9
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon14: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 125000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 3298
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 38
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon15: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1798
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon16: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 3
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 550000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 900
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 606
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon17: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 4
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1050000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1196
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 880
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon18: max20751
                    5 channels found:
                            in2:  (input)
                            8 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 900
                                    attr  1: label value: vout1
                                    attr  2: lcrit value: 765
                                    attr  3: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  4: max value: 1000
                                    attr  5: max_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  6: min value: 855
                                    attr  7: min_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 500
                                    attr  1: label value: iout1
                                    attr  2: max value: 511500
                                    attr  3: max_alarm value: 0
                            in1:  (input)
                            7 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: alarm value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit value: 15000
                                    attr  2: input value: 11906
                                    attr  3: label value: vin
                                    attr  4: lcrit value: 4687
                                    attr  5: max value: 14906
                                    attr  6: min value: 4750
                            power1:  (input)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 0
                                    attr  1: label value: pout1
                            temp1:  (input)
                            7 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 133000
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 48000
                                    attr  3: max value: 130000
                                    attr  4: max_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  5: min value: -40000
                                    attr  6: min_alarm value: 0
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon19: max20751
                    5 channels found:
                            in2:  (input)
                            8 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1200
                                    attr  1: label value: vout1
                                    attr  2: lcrit value: 1100
                                    attr  3: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  4: max value: 1375
                                    attr  5: max_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  6: min value: 1140
                                    attr  7: min_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1000
                                    attr  1: label value: iout1
                                    attr  2: max value: 511500
                                    attr  3: max_alarm value: 0
                            in1:  (input)
                            7 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: alarm value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit value: 15000
                                    attr  2: input value: 11937
                                    attr  3: label value: vin
                                    attr  4: lcrit value: 4687
                                    attr  5: max value: 14906
                                    attr  6: min value: 4750
                            power1:  (input)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 2000000
                                    attr  1: label value: pout1
                            temp1:  (input)
                            7 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 133000
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 40000
                                    attr  3: max value: 130000
                                    attr  4: max_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  5: min value: -40000
                                    attr  6: min_alarm value: 0
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon2: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 25000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1815
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 11
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon3: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 37500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1200
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 34
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon4: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 37500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 849
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 59
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon5: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 25000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1819
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 11
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon6: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 187500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1194
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 153
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon7: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 25000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1796
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 17
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon8: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1808
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon9: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 37500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1813
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 24
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            iio:device0: ams
                    30 channels found:
                            voltage6: vccpsintfpddr (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsintfpddr
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18426
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage18: vccint (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccint
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18427
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage14: vccpsio2 (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsio2
                                    attr  1: raw value: 19450
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.091552734
                            voltage16: psmgtravtt (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: psmgtravtt
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39676
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage23: vccplintlp (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccplintlp
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18422
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage0: vcc_pspll0 (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vcc_pspll0
                                    attr  1: raw value: 26133
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage8: vccpsintfp (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsintfp
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18506
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage22: vccbram (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccbram
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18540
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage26: vccams (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccams
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39110
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.015258789
                            temp1: remote_temp (input)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: remote_temp
                                    attr  1: offset value: -36058
                                    attr  2: raw value: 40662
                                    attr  3: scale value: 7.771514892
                            voltage9: vccpsaux (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsaux
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39630
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage25: vccplaux (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccplaux
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39636
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage15: psmgtravcc (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: psmgtravcc
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18506
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            temp0: ps_temp (input)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: ps_temp
                                    attr  1: offset value: -36058
                                    attr  2: raw value: 40824
                                    attr  3: scale value: 7.771514892
                            voltage21: vccvrefn (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccvrefn
                                    attr  1: raw value: 1
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage2: vccint (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccint
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18437
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage5: vcc_psddrpll (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vcc_psddrpll
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39519
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage7: vccpsintlp (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsintlp
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18431
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage11: vccpsio3 (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsio3
                                    attr  1: raw value: 19619
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.091552734
                            temp2: pl_temp (input)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: pl_temp
                                    attr  1: offset value: -36058
                                    attr  2: raw value: 40796
                                    attr  3: scale value: 7.771514892
                            voltage13: vccpsio1 (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsio1
                                    attr  1: raw value: 19458
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.091552734
                            voltage3: vccbram (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccbram
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18514
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage4: vccaux (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccaux
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39160
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage12: vccpsio0 (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsio0
                                    attr  1: raw value: 19456
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.091552734
                            voltage24: vccplintfp (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccplintfp
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18436
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage10: vccpsddr (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsddr
                                    attr  1: raw value: 25991
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage1: vcc_psbatt (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vcc_psbatt
                                    attr  1: raw value: 30853
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage19: vccaux (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccaux
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39232
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage17: vccams (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccams
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39572
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.015258789
                            voltage20: vccvrefp (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccvrefp
                                    attr  1: raw value: 27289
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                    1 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sampling_frequency ERROR: Invalid argument (22)
                    No trigger on this device
            iio:device1: hmc7044
                    4 channels found:
                            altvoltage3: DAC_SYSREF (output)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 1920000
                                    attr  1: label value: DAC_SYSREF
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0.000000
                            altvoltage2: DAC_CLK (output)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 368640000
                                    attr  1: label value: DAC_CLK
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0.000000
                            altvoltage12: FPGA_CLK (output)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  1: label value: FPGA_CLK
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0.000000
                            altvoltage13: FPGA_SYSREF (output)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 1920000
                                    attr  1: label value: FPGA_SYSREF
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0.000000
                    7 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: mute_request value: 0
                                    attr  1: reseed_request value: 0
                                    attr  2: reset_dividers_request value: 0
                                    attr  3: sleep_request value: 0
                                    attr  4: sync_pin_mode value: disable
                                    attr  5: sync_pin_mode_available value: disable sync sysref sync_else_sysref
                                    attr  6: sysref_request value: 0
                    2 debug attributes found:
                                    debug attr  0: status ERROR: Input/output error (5)
                                    debug attr  1: direct_reg_access value: 0x0
                    No trigger on this device
            iio:device2: axi-ad9172-hpc (buffer capable)
                    15 channels found:
                            voltage0_i:  (output, index: 0, format: le:S16/16>>0)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
                            voltage0_q:  (output, index: 1, format: le:S16/16>>0)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
                            voltage1_i:  (output, index: 2, format: le:S16/16>>0)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
                            voltage1_q:  (output, index: 3, format: le:S16/16>>0)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
                            voltage1: nco (output)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: enable value: 0
                                    attr  1: frequency value: 0
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                            altvoltage3: TX1_Q_F2 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX1_Q_F2
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage5: TX2_I_F2 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX2_I_F2
                                    attr  2: phase value: 90000
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            voltage6: nco (output)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: enable value: 1
                                    attr  1: frequency value: 0
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                            altvoltage2: TX1_Q_F1 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX1_Q_F1
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage1: TX1_I_F2 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX1_I_F2
                                    attr  2: phase value: 90000
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage7: TX2_Q_F2 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX2_Q_F2
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage4: TX2_I_F1 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX2_I_F1
                                    attr  2: phase value: 90000
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage0: TX1_I_F1 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX1_I_F1
                                    attr  2: phase value: 90000
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage6: TX2_Q_F1 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX2_Q_F1
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            voltage0: nco (output)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: enable value: 0
                                    attr  1: frequency value: 0
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sync_start_enable value: disarm
                                    attr  1: sync_start_enable_available value: arm
                    2 buffer-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: data_available value: 0
                                    attr  1: length_align_bytes value: 16
                    1 debug attributes found:
                                    debug attr  0: direct_reg_access value: 0x18
                    No trigger on this device
                    0 channels found:
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: add_trigger ERROR: Permission denied (13)
                                    attr  1: remove_trigger ERROR: Permission denied (13)
                    No trigger on this device


  • so 2x6, 2x8, 3x6, 3x8 is for only one (single or dual)? can you clear this for me?

    Those are valid values for single and dual link, as long as you don't violate the max channel NCO clock rate of 1540 MHz.

    and so in my case (3x8 and due to the my devicetree I posted in previous response) what is this configuration?

    diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9172-fmc-ebz-mode4.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9172-fmc-ebz-mode4.dts
    index 08d20a54503a..ff80999aae97 100644
    --- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9172-fmc-ebz-mode4.dts
    +++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9172-fmc-ebz-mode4.dts
    @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
      * hdl_project: <dac_fmc_ebz/zcu102>
      * board_revision: <>
    - * JESD Link Mode 4 Example: M4, L4, S1, F2,  NP'16, Interpolation: 4*8
    + * JESD Link Mode 4 Example: M4, L4, S1, F2,  NP'16, Interpolation: 3*8
      * Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Analog Devices Inc.
    @@ -22,11 +22,17 @@ &dac0_ad9172 {
            adi,jesd-subclass = <1>;
            adi,dac-interpolation = <8>;
    -       adi,channel-interpolation = <4>;
    +       adi,channel-interpolation = <3>;
            adi,clock-output-divider = <4>;
    +       //jesd204-ignore-errors;
     &axi_ad9172_adxcvr {
            adi,out-clk-select = <XCVR_REFCLK_DIV2>;
    +&hmc7044_c12 {
    +       adi,extended-name = "FPGA_CLK";
    +       adi,divider = <6>;      // 491.52 MHz

    With this configuration the link will come up.

      (DEVICES) Found 1 JESD204 Link Layer peripherals
      (0): axi-jesd204-tx/84a90000.axi-jesd204-tx  [*]
      Link is                      enabled
      Link Status                  DATA
      Measured Link Clock (MHz)    245.779
      Reported Link Clock (MHz)    245.760
      Measured Device Clock (MHz)  245.779
      Reported Device Clock (MHz)  245.760
      Desired Device Clock (MHz)   245.760
      Lane rate (MHz)              9830.400
      Lane rate / 40 (MHz)         245.760
      LMFC rate (MHz)              15.360
      SYSREF captured              Yes
      SYSREF alignment error       No
      SYNC~                        deasserted

    Some more info below:

    [    5.041074] cf_axi_dds 84a04000.axi-ad9172-hpc: Analog Devices CF_AXI_DDS_DDS MASTER (9.01.b) at 0x84A04000 mapped to 0x(____ptrval____), probed DDS AD917x
    [    5.055863] axi_adxcvr 84a60000.axi-adxcvr-tx: AXI-ADXCVR-TX (17.05.a) using QPLL on GTH4 at 0x84A60000. Number of lanes: 4.
    [    5.067452] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition initialized -> probed
    [    5.085409] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition probed -> idle
    [    5.095505] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition idle -> device_init
    [    5.106041] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition device_init -> link_init
    [    5.117012] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_init -> link_supported
    [    5.133829] hmc7044 spi1.0: hmc7044_jesd204_link_pre_setup: Link0 forcing continuous SYSREF mode
    [    5.146969] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_supported -> link_pre_setup
    [    5.173674] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_pre_setup -> clk_sync_stage1
    [    5.185423] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition clk_sync_stage1 -> clk_sync_stage2
    [    5.197251] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition clk_sync_stage2 -> clk_sync_stage3
    [    5.211091] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition clk_sync_stage3 -> link_setup
    [    5.222482] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_setup -> opt_setup_stage1
    [    5.233967] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition opt_setup_stage1 -> opt_setup_stage2
    [    5.245975] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition opt_setup_stage2 -> opt_setup_stage3
    [    5.257977] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition opt_setup_stage3 -> opt_setup_stage4
    [    5.269980] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition opt_setup_stage4 -> opt_setup_stage5
    [    5.281987] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition opt_setup_stage5 -> clocks_enable
    [    5.294100] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition clocks_enable -> link_enable
    [    5.316762] ad9172 spi1.1: Link0 code_grp_sync: f
    [    5.321459] ad9172 spi1.1: Link0 frame_sync_stat: f
    [    5.326328] ad9172 spi1.1: Link0 good_checksum_stat: f
    [    5.331457] ad9172 spi1.1: Link0 init_lane_sync_stat: f
    [    5.336674] ad9172 spi1.1: Link0 4 lanes @ 9830400 kBps
    [    5.341891] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_enable -> link_running
    [    5.353721] jesd204: /axi/spi@ff040000/ad9172@1,jesd204:1,parent=spi1.1: JESD204[0:0] transition link_running -> opt_post_running_stage
    [    5.365909] axi-jesd204-tx 84a90000.axi-jesd204-tx: AXI-JESD204-TX (1.06.a) at 0x84A90000. Encoder 8b10b, width 4/4, lanes 4, jesd204-fsm.
    root@analog:~# cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary 
                                     enable  prepare  protect                                duty         hardware
       clock                          count    count    count        rate   accuracy phase  cycle  nshot    enable
     clkin2_0                             0        0        0           0          0     0  50000        0
     clkin1_0                             0        0        0           0          0     0  50000        0
     si570_mgt                            0        0        0   148499999          0     0  50000        0
     si570_user                           0        0        0   299999999          0     0  50000        0
     hmc7044_out13                        0        0        0     1920000          0     0  50000        0
     hmc7044_out12                        3        3        1   491520000          0     0  50000        0
        tx_out_clk                        1        1        0   245760000          0     0  50000        0
        dac_gt_clk                        1        1        1     9830400          0     0  50000        0
     hmc7044_out3                         0        0        0     1920000          0     0  50000        0
     hmc7044_out2                         1        1        0   368640000          0     0  50000        0
    root@analog:~# iio_info 
    iio_info version: 0.25 (git tag:8fb78e06)
    Libiio version: 0.25 (git tag: 8fb78e0) backends: local xml ip usb serial
    IIO context created with local backend.
    Backend version: 0.25 (git tag: 8fb78e0)
    Backend description string: Linux analog 5.15.0-20997-g527d7b34564d-dirty #3427 SMP Wed Jan 17 09:23:28 CET 2024 aarch64
    IIO context has 10 attributes:
            hdl_system_id: [dac_fmc_ebz] [AD9172 - 04] on [zcu102] git branch [hdl_2022_r2] git [b31d4fbba87a96f329f858da3118771503c7c6b4] clean [2023-11-01 17:22:20] UTC
            hw_model: AD9172-FMC-EBZ on ZynqMP ZCU102 Rev1.0
            hw_carrier: ZynqMP ZCU102 Rev1.0
            hw_mezzanine: AD9172-FMC-EBZ
            hw_name: AD9172-FMC-EBZ
            hw_vendor: Analog Devices
            hw_serial: Empty Field
            unique_id: aaed04000519000b00d7f8bfc576
            local,kernel: 5.15.0-20997-g527d7b34564d-dirty
            uri: local:
    IIO context has 24 devices:
            hwmon0: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 7
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1225000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 848
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1446
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon1: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 250000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 845
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 292
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon10: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 3
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1375000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 844
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1611
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 2000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon11: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 25000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 849
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 31
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon12: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 287500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1795
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 164
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon13: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 12500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1201
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 9
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon14: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 125000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 3298
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 38
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon15: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1798
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon16: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 3
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 550000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 900
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 606
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon17: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 4
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1050000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1196
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 880
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon18: max20751
                    5 channels found:
                            in2:  (input)
                            8 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 900
                                    attr  1: label value: vout1
                                    attr  2: lcrit value: 765
                                    attr  3: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  4: max value: 1000
                                    attr  5: max_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  6: min value: 855
                                    attr  7: min_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 500
                                    attr  1: label value: iout1
                                    attr  2: max value: 511500
                                    attr  3: max_alarm value: 0
                            in1:  (input)
                            7 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: alarm value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit value: 15000
                                    attr  2: input value: 11906
                                    attr  3: label value: vin
                                    attr  4: lcrit value: 4687
                                    attr  5: max value: 14906
                                    attr  6: min value: 4750
                            power1:  (input)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 0
                                    attr  1: label value: pout1
                            temp1:  (input)
                            7 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 133000
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 48000
                                    attr  3: max value: 130000
                                    attr  4: max_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  5: min value: -40000
                                    attr  6: min_alarm value: 0
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon19: max20751
                    5 channels found:
                            in2:  (input)
                            8 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1200
                                    attr  1: label value: vout1
                                    attr  2: lcrit value: 1100
                                    attr  3: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  4: max value: 1375
                                    attr  5: max_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  6: min value: 1140
                                    attr  7: min_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1000
                                    attr  1: label value: iout1
                                    attr  2: max value: 511500
                                    attr  3: max_alarm value: 0
                            in1:  (input)
                            7 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: alarm value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit value: 15000
                                    attr  2: input value: 11937
                                    attr  3: label value: vin
                                    attr  4: lcrit value: 4687
                                    attr  5: max value: 14906
                                    attr  6: min value: 4750
                            power1:  (input)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 2000000
                                    attr  1: label value: pout1
                            temp1:  (input)
                            7 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 133000
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 40000
                                    attr  3: max value: 130000
                                    attr  4: max_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  5: min value: -40000
                                    attr  6: min_alarm value: 0
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon2: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 25000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1815
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 11
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon3: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 37500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1200
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 34
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon4: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 37500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 849
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 59
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon5: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 25000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1819
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 11
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon6: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 187500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1194
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 153
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon7: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 25000
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1796
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 17
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon8: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1808
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 1
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            hwmon9: ina226
                    4 channels found:
                            in0:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 0
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            power1:  (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 37500
                            in1:  (input)
                            5 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: crit value: 0
                                    attr  1: crit_alarm value: 0
                                    attr  2: input value: 1813
                                    attr  3: lcrit value: 0
                                    attr  4: lcrit_alarm value: 0
                            curr1:  (input)
                            1 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: input value: 24
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: shunt_resistor value: 5000
                                    attr  1: update_interval value: 35
                    No trigger on this device
            iio:device0: ams
                    30 channels found:
                            voltage6: vccpsintfpddr (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsintfpddr
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18426
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage18: vccint (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccint
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18427
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage14: vccpsio2 (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsio2
                                    attr  1: raw value: 19450
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.091552734
                            voltage16: psmgtravtt (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: psmgtravtt
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39676
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage23: vccplintlp (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccplintlp
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18422
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage0: vcc_pspll0 (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vcc_pspll0
                                    attr  1: raw value: 26133
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage8: vccpsintfp (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsintfp
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18506
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage22: vccbram (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccbram
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18540
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage26: vccams (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccams
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39110
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.015258789
                            temp1: remote_temp (input)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: remote_temp
                                    attr  1: offset value: -36058
                                    attr  2: raw value: 40662
                                    attr  3: scale value: 7.771514892
                            voltage9: vccpsaux (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsaux
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39630
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage25: vccplaux (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccplaux
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39636
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage15: psmgtravcc (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: psmgtravcc
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18506
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            temp0: ps_temp (input)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: ps_temp
                                    attr  1: offset value: -36058
                                    attr  2: raw value: 40824
                                    attr  3: scale value: 7.771514892
                            voltage21: vccvrefn (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccvrefn
                                    attr  1: raw value: 1
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage2: vccint (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccint
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18437
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage5: vcc_psddrpll (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vcc_psddrpll
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39519
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage7: vccpsintlp (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsintlp
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18431
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage11: vccpsio3 (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsio3
                                    attr  1: raw value: 19619
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.091552734
                            temp2: pl_temp (input)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: pl_temp
                                    attr  1: offset value: -36058
                                    attr  2: raw value: 40796
                                    attr  3: scale value: 7.771514892
                            voltage13: vccpsio1 (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsio1
                                    attr  1: raw value: 19458
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.091552734
                            voltage3: vccbram (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccbram
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18514
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage4: vccaux (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccaux
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39160
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage12: vccpsio0 (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsio0
                                    attr  1: raw value: 19456
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.091552734
                            voltage24: vccplintfp (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccplintfp
                                    attr  1: raw value: 18436
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage10: vccpsddr (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccpsddr
                                    attr  1: raw value: 25991
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage1: vcc_psbatt (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vcc_psbatt
                                    attr  1: raw value: 30853
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage19: vccaux (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccaux
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39232
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                            voltage17: vccams (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccams
                                    attr  1: raw value: 39572
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.015258789
                            voltage20: vccvrefp (input)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: label value: vccvrefp
                                    attr  1: raw value: 27289
                                    attr  2: scale value: 0.045776367
                    1 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sampling_frequency ERROR: Invalid argument (22)
                    No trigger on this device
            iio:device1: hmc7044
                    4 channels found:
                            altvoltage3: DAC_SYSREF (output)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 1920000
                                    attr  1: label value: DAC_SYSREF
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0.000000
                            altvoltage2: DAC_CLK (output)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 368640000
                                    attr  1: label value: DAC_CLK
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0.000000
                            altvoltage12: FPGA_CLK (output)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  1: label value: FPGA_CLK
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0.000000
                            altvoltage13: FPGA_SYSREF (output)
                            3 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 1920000
                                    attr  1: label value: FPGA_SYSREF
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0.000000
                    7 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: mute_request value: 0
                                    attr  1: reseed_request value: 0
                                    attr  2: reset_dividers_request value: 0
                                    attr  3: sleep_request value: 0
                                    attr  4: sync_pin_mode value: disable
                                    attr  5: sync_pin_mode_available value: disable sync sysref sync_else_sysref
                                    attr  6: sysref_request value: 0
                    2 debug attributes found:
                                    debug attr  0: status ERROR: Input/output error (5)
                                    debug attr  1: direct_reg_access value: 0x0
                    No trigger on this device
            iio:device2: axi-ad9172-hpc (buffer capable)
                    15 channels found:
                            voltage0_i:  (output, index: 0, format: le:S16/16>>0)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
                            voltage0_q:  (output, index: 1, format: le:S16/16>>0)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
                            voltage1_i:  (output, index: 2, format: le:S16/16>>0)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
                            voltage1_q:  (output, index: 3, format: le:S16/16>>0)
                            2 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  1: scale value: 1.000000000
                            voltage1: nco (output)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: enable value: 0
                                    attr  1: frequency value: 0
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                            altvoltage3: TX1_Q_F2 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX1_Q_F2
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage5: TX2_I_F2 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX2_I_F2
                                    attr  2: phase value: 90000
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            voltage6: nco (output)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: enable value: 1
                                    attr  1: frequency value: 0
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                            altvoltage2: TX1_Q_F1 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX1_Q_F1
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage1: TX1_I_F2 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX1_I_F2
                                    attr  2: phase value: 90000
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage7: TX2_Q_F2 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX2_Q_F2
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage4: TX2_I_F1 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX2_I_F1
                                    attr  2: phase value: 90000
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage0: TX1_I_F1 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX1_I_F1
                                    attr  2: phase value: 90000
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            altvoltage6: TX2_Q_F1 (output)
                            6 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: frequency value: 39998110
                                    attr  1: label value: TX2_Q_F1
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: raw value: 1
                                    attr  4: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                                    attr  5: scale value: 0.250000
                            voltage0: nco (output)
                            4 channel-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: enable value: 0
                                    attr  1: frequency value: 0
                                    attr  2: phase value: 0
                                    attr  3: sampling_frequency value: 491520000
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: sync_start_enable value: disarm
                                    attr  1: sync_start_enable_available value: arm
                    2 buffer-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: data_available value: 0
                                    attr  1: length_align_bytes value: 16
                    1 debug attributes found:
                                    debug attr  0: direct_reg_access value: 0x18
                    No trigger on this device
                    0 channels found:
                    2 device-specific attributes found:
                                    attr  0: add_trigger ERROR: Permission denied (13)
                                    attr  1: remove_trigger ERROR: Permission denied (13)
                    No trigger on this device


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