Hello everyone,
I am using Windows IIO-Oscilloscope v0.10 on my laptop PC. I have an SD-Card that my ADRV9006 + ZC706 eval system boots from. The SD-Card is made by petalinux 2018.3 with meta-adi (2019_R1), according to the tutorial github.com/.../meta-adi-xilinx. After eval system startup, I entry into the linux system. I find iio:device0 ~ iio:device6 in the '/dev' path, and I can set TX parameters of ADRV9009 with 'cat' and 'echo' commands successfully, with the help of spectrum analyzer. But I failed to connect to IIOD with a Windows IIO-Oscilloscope which always indicates 'No iio devices found'! I wonder to know what steps I forgot to do? I can see iiod process is running with a linux 'top' instruction.