The Linux IIO driver at the Analog Devices Github, ad4630.c has at line 29:
#include <linux/spi/spi-engine.h>
Where is that file located? It is not in my Xilinx 2021.2 5.10 kernel, and I can't seem to find it on the Analog Devices Github either.
The Linux IIO driver at the Analog Devices Github, ad4630.c has at line 29:
#include <linux/spi/spi-engine.h>
Where is that file located? It is not in my Xilinx 2021.2 5.10 kernel, and I can't seem to find it on the Analog Devices Github either.
Please see here:
Not all parts of the spi-engine are mainline yet -
Please see here:
Not all parts of the spi-engine are mainline yet -
Thanks. That got me past spi-engine.h. Now there are also other IIO functions like iio_buffer_remove_sample() that are not in iio/iio/buffer.h or iio/iio/triggered_buffer.h, and constants like IIO_DEVICE_DIRECTION_OUT that don't seem to be found by the include files in the driver source.
I am running the linux-xlnx kernel 5.10. Are these missing things provided by additional Analog Devices patches to the kernel source? Will I get all the necessary pieces if I integrate meta-adi into my build?
I am running the linux-xlnx kernel 5.10. Are these missing things provided by additional Analog Devices patches to the kernel source? Will I get all the necessary pieces if I integrate meta-adi into my build?
You don't have that code because it's not upstream. That means that support is only present in ADI kernel which is what will be used by meta-adi so yes, you will get all the needed APIs if you use meta-adi. But note that meta-adi (or yocto) is not really meant to be used as a development infrastructure but as a build system. This to say that is a bit cumbersome to do development under a petalinux enviroment (you can always try to create an sdk or esdk though).
Now there are also other IIO functions like iio_buffer_remove_sample() that are not in iio/iio/buffer.h or iio/iio/triggered_buffer.h, and constants like IIO_DEVICE_DIRECTION_OUT
But actually, IIO output buffer support is already mainlined, just not in 5.10. It was introduced in 5.16.
- Nuno Sá