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ADRV9002 Kernel Module Support

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Product Number: ADRV9002BBCZ
Software Version: 2021_R1

We're using the Petalinux build of the 2021_R1 branch, and we're about to switch away from our ZCU102 and transceiver devkits to actual hardware.
With the way that the device clock needs to be configured on our board, it would be very beneficial to be able to load the ADRV9002 driver after boot as a kernel module.
In looking at the kernel config, it appears that the driver can only be built into the kernel and has no module support.

Is there a specific reason why the ADRV9001/9002 driver doesn't support being built as a module?
And if being built/loaded as a module should work, any idea the difficulty in converting the code to make this happen?
