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change ref clk in adrv9361-z7035


I am using adrv9361-z7035 and change the internal clock in your devicetree

to an external one of 26 MHz and frecuency accuracy 1ppm.

Changes made:

clocks {

        clock@0 {
            #clock-cells = <0x00>;
            compatible = "adjustable-clock";
        clock-frequency = <0x18cba80>;
        clock-accuracy = <0x1a>;
        clock-output-names = "TCXO_26MHz";
            linux,phandle = <0x0b>;
            phandle = <0x0b>;

        clock@2 {
            #clock-cells = <0x00>;
            compatible = "fixed-clock";
            clock-frequency = <0x16e3600>;
            clock-output-names = "24MHz";
            linux,phandle = <0x0c>;
            phandle = <0x0c>;

        clock@3 {
            #clock-cells = <0x00>;
            compatible = "fixed-clock";
            clock-frequency = <0x17d7840>;
            clock-output-names = "ad9517_refclk";
            linux,phandle = <0x07>;
            phandle = <0x07>;

        audio_clock {
            compatible = "fixed-clock";
            #clock-cells = <0x00>;
            clock-frequency = <0xbb8000>;
            linux,phandle = <0x0e>;
            phandle = <0x0e>;

    ad9361-refclk-gpio-gate@0 {
        #clock-cells = <0x00>;
        compatible = "gpio-gate-clock";
        clocks = <0x0b>;
       enable-gpios = <0x06 0x69 0x01>;
        clock-output-names = "ad9361_ext_refclk";
        linux,phandle = <0x05>;
        phandle = <0x05>;

First I would like to know if this change is correct.

Second, I would like to know how I can confirm that my board is using the new oscillator. I use Linux.

Thanks a lot,

Parents Reply Children
  • ok - I tested the entire process here:

    1. Modified the dts source file
    2. Rebuild the dtb
    3. Copied to the SD card 

    michael@mhenneri-D06:~/devel/hdl/github-linux-build/linux$ git diff
    diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-adrv9361-z7035.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-adrv9361-z7035.dtsi
    index 48ad6894b65a..215e4fb60d3b 100644
    --- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-adrv9361-z7035.dtsi
    +++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-adrv9361-z7035.dtsi
    @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
            clocks {
                    xo_40mhz_fixed_clk: clock@0 {
                            #clock-cells = <0>;
    -                       compatible = "adjustable-clock";
    -                       clock-frequency = <40000000>;
    +                       compatible = "fixed-clock";
    +                       clock-frequency = <39999123>;
                            clock-accuracy = <200000>; /* 200 ppm (ppb) */
    -                       clock-output-names = "XO_40MHz";
    +                       clock-output-names = "XO_39p999123MHz";
                    usb_ulpi_fixed_clk: clock@2 {
    michael@mhenneri-D06:~/devel/hdl/github-linux-build/linux$ make zynq-adrv9361-z7035-fmc.dtb
      DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-adrv9361-z7035-fmc.dtb
    michael@mhenneri-D06:~/devel/hdl/github-linux-build/linux$ cp arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-adrv9361-z7035-fmc.dtb /media/michael/BOOT/devicetree.dtb 

    After the board booted - I can see both - the name and frequency change

    root@analog:~# cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary 
                                     enable  prepare  protect                                duty
       clock                          count    count    count        rate   accuracy phase  cycle
     spi0.0-tx_lo_dummy                   0        0        0  1225000000          0     0  50000
     spi0.0-rx_lo_dummy                   0        0        0  1200000000          0     0  50000
     audio_clock                          1        1        0    12288000          0     0  50000
     ad9517_refclk                        0        0        0    25000000          0     0  50000
     24MHz                                0        0        0    24000000          0     0  50000
        usb-ulpe-gpio-gate                0        0        0    24000000          0     0  50000
     XO_39p999123MHz                      1        1        0    39999123     200000     0  50000
        ad9361-refclk-gpio-gate           4        4        0    39999123     200000     0  50000
           spi0.0-bb_refclk               1        1        0    39999123     200000     0  50000
              spi0.0-bbpll_clk            1        1        0   983040008     200000     0  50000
                 spi0.0-adc_clk           1        1        0   245760002     200000     0  50000
                    spi0.0-dac_clk        1        1        0   122880001     200000     0  50000
                       spi0.0-t2_clk       1        1        0   122880001     200000     0  50000
                          spi0.0-t1_clk       1        1        0    61440000     200000     0  50000
                             spi0.0-clktf_clk       1        1        0    30720000     200000     0  50000
                                spi0.0-tx_sampl_clk       1        1        0    30720000     200000     0  50000
                    spi0.0-r2_clk         0        0        0   122880001     200000     0  50000
                       spi0.0-r1_clk       0        0        0    61440000     200000     0  50000
                          spi0.0-clkrf_clk       0        0        0    30720000     200000     0  50000
                             spi0.0-rx_sampl_clk       0        0        0    30720000     200000     0  50000
           spi0.0-rx_refclk               1        1        0    79998246     200000     0  50000
              spi0.0-rx_rfpll_int         1        1        0  1200000000     200000     0  50000
                 spi0.0-rx_rfpll          1        1        0  1200000000     200000     0  50000
           spi0.0-tx_refclk               1        1        0    79998246     200000     0  50000
              spi0.0-tx_rfpll_int         1        1        0  1224999999     200000     0  50000
                 spi0.0-tx_rfpll          1        1        0  1224999999     200000     0  50000

    Can you try to do the same on your end?


  • What is highlighted are the changes I made by following this link:

         clock@0 {

        #clock-cells = <0x00>;

        compatible = "adjustable-clock";

        clock-frequency = <0x18cba80>;

        clock-accuracy = <0x1a>;

        clock-output-names = "TCXO_26MHz";

        phandle = <0x0b>;


    ad9361-refclk-gpio-gate@0 {

        #clock-cells = <0x00>;

        compatible = "gpio-gate-clock";

        clocks = <0x0b>;

        enable-gpios = <0x06 0x69 0x01>;

        clock-output-names = "ad9361_ext_refclk";

        phandle = <0x05>;


    Then I access my board and with cat / sys / kernel / debug / clk / clk_summary and the following appears:

    It is seen that the accuracy changes to 26 Hz and the name of the clock from OX_40MHz to TCXO_26MHz, but the value of the frequency does not change, the same frequency that appears when initializing the iio oscilloscope appears, the frequency of the internal clock. Could it be that something is changing the frequency?


  • My guess is that OSC changes the frequency.

    OSC saves settings in a file called .osc_profile.ini which is either under /root or /home/analog

    Can you try to delete both files if they exist?

    I asked you to use 

    compatible = "fixed-clock";

    to prevent this on the lowest level.


  • Regarding a fixed-clock, I used it without getting changes. So I decided to go back to the original settings. I will also leave it as fixed-clock.

    I looked for the .osc_profile.ini file in / home and / home / analog and couldn't find it. Could it be that it does not exist or that it is in some special place?


  • It should either exist in /root or /home/analog.

    Can you try the attached devicetree.dtb - I made your modifications.


  • Tried your devicetree and got this.

    I also tried deleting .osc_profile_ini with no results.

  • If you do:

    root@analog:~# hexdump /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/clocks/clock@0/clock-frequency
    0000000 8c01 80ba

    What are you getting?

    That's 0x18cbba80 = 26000000


  • Considering the devicetree you passed me I got:

    root@analog:~# hexdump /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/clocks/clock@0/clock-frequency
    0000000 6202 4e5a

    root@analog:~# hexdump /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/clocks/clock@0/clock-accuracy
    0000000 0300 400d

    I don't know why the frequency of the devicetree changes


  • It’s likely the reference values is being overwritten in u-boot. Here is how you would fix that:

    1. Enter the u-boot menu. This must be done over UART or if you have a keyboard hooked up. When the board is powered on you will see a countdown occur. This is the allow you to enter the u-boot menu. Hit Enter before it completes. This will bring up a prompt starting with “zynq>”

    2. Reset u-boot to its default variables. Run: “env default -a”

    3. Save them. Run: “saveenv”

    4. Reboot: Run: “reset”

    This should remove any overwriting variable present in your SPI flash.

    Please run these steps and check the clk_summary to see if the setting sticks.


  • Thanks travis,
    That was the problem, now I can already see the values ​​entered in my devicetree.
    Thanks everyone for your help!!