Can one use different voltage permutation wrt Adum3482 isolated pins, i.e.
VDD1,VDDL1 5V and VDD2,VDDL2 3.3V ? With logic 1 on VIx i have a logic 1 on
VOx (no inversion) ? I don't understand the CTRL function.
The supplies on either side of the isolator are independent and can be
varied as long as it does not violate the spec or absolute max rating. see
We didn’t show different spec tables for the various supply combinations as in
other ADuM data sheets because there are so many combinations.
The CTRL pin controls the default output state if the input side supply is not
present. For example, the ADuM3482 has two outputs on side 2 (VOA and VOB). If
the input power supply (side 1) is not present the receiver on side 2 detects
this and sets VOA and VOB either high or low based on the CTRL pin state.