Do you have at ADI a switching regulator with an integrated coil?
At this point we do not have a switching regulator with integrated inductance.
Non isolated DC to DC converters with integrated inductor are usually referred
to as ‘power modules’. Some are in an IC package such as from Rohm, Würth
Elektronik, TI. Others are sold on small PCBs such as LTC. There was some
research work for an ADI power module and also our energy segment had some
discussion with Würth Electronics on a small transformer they can possibly
integrate. However, there is no roadmap to do power modules. It is a risky
business to be in and our power management group is focusing on a few things in
our core capabilities and do them well rather than doing everything mediocre.
However, as indicated above, the group is looking at some module technologies
to see if we can possibly add value.