Software Version: 4.7.0
File Name:
Description: Supports Maxim's Serial Link evaluation kits (EVKITs) with Nuvoton microcontroller. Added MAX9291B/93B EVKIT support
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 7,Windows 10
The GMSL GUI won’t recognize the MAX96706 deserializer at 0xF0 device address. It’s a bug, but there is a workaround until this is addressed in a later revision. Users have to use the Low Level Commands option (a), or set it manually (b).
a) After the GUI runs and recognizes the serializer, but not deserializer, click “Connect” then click “Low Level Commands. Look at the Log Window. You will see that it tried all the different addresses for the deserializer and got NACK for most addresses but 0xF0 got a correct response (reads 0x4A). If the oscillator on the serializer is connected, you will see a correct response to address 0xDC as well. If you use the low level write/read capability, you can access the deserializer at 0xF0. For instance read register 0x01 and you will see the devices address is 0xF0.
b) To make the GUI work with the deserializer at 0xF0, do this. Reboot everything and restart the GUI. Wait until the GUI has tried all the deserializer address, the deserializer address will reset to 0x90 and stop. Manually select MAX96706 for the deserializer. Set the address to 0xF0 by clicking the “+” sign by the deserializer address. Click “Connect”. When the GUI connects, you can access the deserializer as well as the serializer. For instance, when you click the deserializer tab, you will see its address is0xF0 (register 0x01).