Yes, The MAX3362EKA+T is a drop-in replacement for MAX3362EKA#TG16.
MAX3362EKA+ is completely lead free/RoHS compliant.
MAX3362EKA# contains lead internal to the package (the internal flip-chip assembly method used tin-lead (Sn-Pb) solder bumps).
The MAX3362 is the same part regardless of whether the package contains lead or not.
The "T" simply denotes tape and reel.
The G16 indicates the reflow temp profile for the leaded part (the internal flip-chip assembly used tin-lead solder which required reduced temperature for IR reflow soldering).
Almost all users require lead free/RoHS compliant parts. Maxim has upgraded the parts to lead free, which is why the MAX3362EKA#TG16 has become obsolete. The MAX3362EKA+T can act as a drop-in replacement.