Per Driver and Thermal Shutdown -> No delay after temperature exceeds the threshold: 167°C (typ) for channel shutdown and 150 °C (typ) for chip thermal shutdown. However, thermal protection remains high for at least 200ms even if the temperature drops below the threshold hysteresis temperature. Refer, to Note 17 on p.26 and hysteresis parameters on p.
Open wire detection HS mode -> max delay of 150ms.
Low Voltage Warning and Undervoltage detection -> No delay to set. 200ms read resolution due to stretching and Hysteresis of 2V and 1V correspondently apply.
Overvoltage detection on HS -> No delay to set. 200ms read resolution apply.
Overcurrent detection -> No delay to set. MIN and MAX limits and 200ms stretching apply.
LED Driver -> Delay up to 328ms due to MAX scan rate 1.31/4 per chanell.