The link rate and pixel clock can be simply calculated and compared to the datasheet limits, to determine the suitability of a GMSL1 part.
In order to decide whether a GMSL1 device is fast enough for a particular application, it is necessary to calculate the pixel rate and/or the GMSL1 link rate. Below is a simplified calculation, if this is >90% of the limit for the chosen part, then it is necessary to read the datasheet for complete details.
Normally the frame (image) size and frame rate are known. To get a more accurate figure the blanking overhead is also needed and this can be obtained from the data sheet of the camera or LCD panel being used. In a typical 640x480 pixel display datasheet the image size including blanking is 702x525, so 20% blanking overhead. If blanking is not known, it can be approximated as 1.2 for display applications and 1.3 for camera applications.
For the typical LCD panel above, the calculation for pixel clock (PCLK) is:
PCLK = 702x525 (image size with blanking) x 60 (fps) = 22.1MHz
If the blanking overhead were not known:
PCLK = 640x480 (image size without blanking) x 1.2 (blanking overhead) x 60 (fps) = 22.1MHz.
To get the GMSL link rate multiply this by 30 for RGB666 panels, or 40 for RGB888 panels. For cameras with 8-12 bit data, multiply by 20 when using camera parts (MAX96705-11 and MAX9286).
For an RGB888 panel:
GMSL2 rate = 22.1MHz x 40 = 884MHz.