Yes. Here is how this can be tested using fullMAC FW + G3 PLC GUI (the main thing is to send multicast packets which do not have ACK/NACK):
- Choose the correct Freq. band and do modem setup on both modems per setup instruction (suggest FCC/FCC-High if in China grid)
- Do following settings in TX and RX GUI:
- Primitives>Adaptation PIB > ADPM SET : Attribute = 0F, index= 0000, Value = 01, Then press GO. This makes the setup single hop and RX node will not rebroadcast the received multicast packet.
- In Dest Addr text box, use 8289 as destination.
- Enable Multicast check box below Dest Addr.
- Same as A-1 above
- From Mode > Program Group should be enabled. This enables receiving multicast packets sent to 8289.
- Primitives>Adaptation PIB > ADPM SET : Attribute = 02, index= 0000, Value = 0000, Then press GO. This make sure we don’t keep packets in broadcast log table of RX if TX is sending back to back multicast packets.
- Now send packet from TX GUI, RX GUI will receive and there is no ACK/NACK or any other packets in the line.