FAQ I want to use features that conflict with the LCCEN pin


Some GMSL parts have a Local Control Channel ENable (LCCEN) pin so that a microcontroller can be connected directly (locally) to control the serializer.  This pin changes the function of other pins: when LCCEN is high, they are used for the control channel; when LCCEN is low they have other functions.  How can these other functions be used when LCCEN is high?



All pins affected by LCCEN have a register bit that can be used to control the function when LCCEN is high, therefore no functionality is lost.  This register bit can be used to override the pin setting, or to set the function when LCCEN is high.  These bits have exactly the same effect as the pin and have immediate effect (there's no need to reset the part or wait some amount of time).