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Quiescent supply current for ADuM24xE


I have two questions about quiescent supply current for ADuM240E/ADuM241E.

Q1. Are the test conditions correct ?

    The quiescent supply currents are indicated in table1 and table3 which are printed in datasheet. Idd1 and Idd2 have two current data each according to the state of Vinput.

    The test conditions for ADuM240D/ADuM240E has two pattern in these tables.

        VI = 0 (E0, D0), 1 (E1, D1)

        VI = 0 (E0, D0), 1 (E1, D1)

        VI = 1 (E0, D0), 0 (E1, D1)

        VI = 1 (E0, D0), 0 (E1, D1)

    But the test conditions for ADuM241D/ADuM241E and ADuM242D/ADuM242E are one pattern. (all are same)

        VI = 1 (E0, D0), 0 (E1, D1)

        VI = 1 (E0, D0), 0 (E1, D1)

        VI = 1 (E0, D0), 0 (E1, D1)

        VI = 1 (E0, D0), 0 (E1, D1)

    The test conditions for ADuM241D/ADuM241E and ADuM242D/ADuM242E are not correct ?

Q2. Our customer will use ADuM240E and ADuM241E. The supply voltages are Vdd1=3.3V and Vdd2=5V. But I can not see this combination of the supply voltage in the datasheet.

    Which data, table1 or table3, can I apply ?


Best regards,


  • ysuzuki:

    A1: The correct conditions are:

    VI = 0 (E0, D0), 1 (E1, D1)

    VI = 0 (E0, D0), 1 (E1, D1)

    VI = 1 (E0, D0), 0 (E1, D1)

    VI = 1 (E0, D0), 0 (E1, D1)

    The ADuM241/242 conditions will be corrected in the next revision.

    A2: For a mixed supply mode like your example where the supply voltages are Vdd1=3.3V and Vdd2=5V, use the table 4 for VDD1 = 3.3V for IDD1, and the table 2 for VDD2 = 5V for IDD2. Note, since the ADuM24x has the widest range of supply voltages from 1.7V to 5.5V, with 4 voltage tables, 5V 3.3V, 2.5V and 1.8V, adding mixed mode tests was not included.

    Regards, Brian