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Vdd2(Secondary side) question for ADuM1300 CN0064

Dear Sir /Madam,


Can we use your ADR02 as VDD2 of ADuM1300 due CN0064 reference circuit?

Our customer choiced your ADuM1300 and AD5324,so he is studying now about VDD2.

Your CN0064 show to use ADR02 Vref as power device.

Bur your DAC on CN0064 is AD5562.

Idd when normal mode are

AD5662=150uA, bur AD5324=600uA.

Otherwise should we put the another small LDO for AD5324?

600uA is not good for REFIN AD5324, I think.

Please give me your good advice.


And CN0064 show using LC filter also.

We should put the capacitor on the most closest of AD5324, correct?

Thanks Kaos