Hello, I'm reading ADUM1254, an integrated circuit as i2c isolator. I don't understand levels obout High input, VIH1 (min to max) : 0.62 V max !?
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ADUM1254 on Analog.com
Hello, I'm reading ADUM1254, an integrated circuit as i2c isolator. I don't understand levels obout High input, VIH1 (min to max) : 0.62 V max !?
Sorry for the delay in replying, unfortunately the holiday period has slowed down our timing.
The VIH1 parameter shown in the datasheet refers to the component's threshold to recognize an input as a high value. So, to ensure that a high value is read correctly by the device, you need to make sure that this input value is greater than VIH1 max, i.e. Vin > 0.62V.
Please let me know if I understood correctly your question.
I hope I was helpful!
Kind Regards,