I am using an ADM3260ARSZ. On side 2 there is a STM32F439GV (main). On side 1 there is a BQ3050 (device). I am trying to initiate a communication between those two. In the following picture you see the main(SCL: Blue + SDA: Red) transmitting an I2C request to the device (SCL: Green + SDA: Yellow). As you can see, the mainsends the 8 address bits and the deviceacknowledge the request by pulling sda (yellow) low. Nevertheless the ADM3260 ignores the acknowledge and the main's sda stay high (red).
For me it looks like the ADM3260 only checks the SDA input on the SCL's falling edge!? As you can see after the next SCL falling edge, when the SDA is indeed pulled low.
How could this be? The BQ3050 can not acknowledge faster. And probably many other I2C components are not fast enough either. How can I solve this problem?