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When transmitter is disabled, on LT1785, there is current source pulling the -DATA pin to VCC through a 100Ω resistor to ground. I replaced the 1785 with a ST4E1240DT and the 100Ω pulled the -DATA pin to ~300mV. Changing back to the 1785 my problem ret

Category: Hardware
Product Number: LT1785

When transmitter is disabled, on LT1785, there is current source pulling the -DATA pin to VCC through a 100Ω resistor to ground. I replaced the 1785 with a ST4E1240DT and the 100Ω pulled the     -DATA pin to ~300mV. Changing back to the 1785 my problem returned.  What should I expect the leakage current to be? Cause right now it appears to be around 50mA.

Here is the transmission of 0x03. 1st 3 bits shown,

Bottom trace is Tx enable, top is -D.

In my application I have 100Ω pull up on +D and on -D.

I invert TX data from UART as the enable.

The 100Ω resistor was suppose to keep -D low until enable occurs.

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  • Just looking for any updates.. Are y'all able to reproduce the issue?

  • I am not clear on the circuit or the problem statement based on your description above - can you use the pin names or signal names that appear on the schematic, for example with U4 do you mean A and B pins for +D and -D?. Looking at U4 and JP1 I think you have a 100ohm from A to VCC and 100ohm from B to GND. If connector 7-8 is open then you do not have a termination resistor between A and B pins?. In addition, you connect pin A of U4 to pin 18 of the MAX211 which has an internal 5k ohm to ground. Do you have a scope shot for pins A and B for the LTC1785 ?

  • Yes, you are correct. U4 pin 6 is "A" or "+D" and U4 pin 7 is "B" or "-D". I isolated the MAX211 by removing pins connected to U 4 pins 6 &7. U4 pin 6 is acting as I expect.

    U4 pin 7 is not. I expect pin 7 to be low when "TE" is low (U4 pin3).

    In the photo below, Yellow is "TE", U4 pin 3.

    Blue is "A", U4 pin 6. (Pulled up to VCC thru 100Ω) looks correct

    Pink is "B", U4 pin 7. (Pulled down to GND thru 100Ω) should a square wave.

    And again, a ST4E1240DT works as expected.

  • Hi Terry - thanks for the clarification. Just to be clear, do you see the same problem on the channel with U5?. Also when you swopped U4 out and in, did you use a new LTC1875 or resolder the previous chip (in case the original chip had a fault).  I am putting a LTC1785 onto a standard half duplex eval board with 100 ohm pullup/down resistors on the AB lines to test this chip as you show in the above scope shot. Please note tomorrow is a holiday at ADI.

  • Terry - I tested a LTC1785 on a EVAL-RS485HDEBZ eval board, VCC = 5V, /RE = 5V, DI = 0V, and drive DE with a 1khz square wave, with 100 ohm pull up and pull down resistors to replicate your circuit. The part performed as expected with AB unloaded and with a 120ohm load across AB. Scope shot has CH1 = DI, CH2 = A and CH3 = B. I think the device you have is faulty - have you ordered a free samples from ADI and tested those ?

  • Yeah, that's what I expected to see. Going to replace 1785 again just to see if I had a couple of bad parts.

  • Ok, I found it. The PCB had an open. The fact that the open was happened on both channels, in the same way, makes me think there is a jumper combination that will cause the problem...

    Thanks for your diligence in researching this issue.