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Could you please help me check if this type of functional test is correct?

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: MAX3232EEUE, MAX3232E

Hi, my client has this component: MAX3232EEUE+T, and the test data shows:

"Abnormal communication
When ON, LOW for a certain period of time and then HIGH
Transmit when RUN, stop
Stops even when STOP
HIGH (temporarily LOW) when in STOP state
Even when RUN, it does not go down to LOW and remains HIGH -> Because of this, it is predicted that transmission will not stop.
When transmission is forcibly stopped, receive once and turn HIGH after a certain period of time.

Could you please help me check if this kind of report or test is correct?

  • Hi esson823,

    May I have a better zoom-in picture with signal names (TIN, T1OUT, RIN, etc..) to verify the timing and signal level so I can review the communication better? Could you please also confirm the below questions?

    • Vcc = 3.3V or 5V?
    • What are the values for the flying caps, C1-C4?
    • What is the data rate?

    “When ON, LOW for a certain period of time and then HIGH” sounds normal operation. The transmitters are enabled when V- exceeds -3V, please see the Figure 3.  

