What is this part's
LTM2881MPY-5 status and years to end of life?
The LTM2881 is a complete galvanically isolated full-duplex RS485/RS422 µModule® (micromodule) transceiver. No external components are required. A single...
LTM2881 on Analog.com
What is this part's
LTM2881MPY-5 status and years to end of life?
The LTM2881MPY-5's status is "Production" which means it is appropriate for new designs, but newer alternatives may exist. At this point in time, there are no plans or intentions for an end of life of this product.
For more information on our part life cycle and instructions on how to receive notifications of changes in the product lifecycle status, see https://www.analog.com/en/support/product-life-cycle-information.html