I'm looking for Pspice model of ADUM3190 which can be simulated in both LTspice and Simetrix.
Please share me the model in 'manimuthu.palanivel@valeo.com'
Awaiting your reply.
The ADuM3190 is an isolated error amplifier based on Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® technology. The ADuM3190 is ideal for
linear feedback power supplies...
ADUM3190 on Analog.com
I'm looking for Pspice model of ADUM3190 which can be simulated in both LTspice and Simetrix.
Please share me the model in 'manimuthu.palanivel@valeo.com'
Awaiting your reply.
Moved from Interface and Isolation to Amplifiers on Monday, November 27, 2023 4:07:49 AM by manimuthu247
Moved from Amplifiers to Interface and Isolation on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 3:11:50 AM by maaarmas
Hello manimuthu247 ,
I will check if there's a web model of ADUM3190. For now, may I know if there is any sspecific nfo that you're looking into?
As i want to analyze the performance of ADUM3190 as a error amplfier. Please provide the spice model which is compatible for LTSPICE and SIMertrix.
Hi manimuthu247 ,
You can download the spice model in the ADUM3190 Web Model, You can follow this steps to generate the web model to LTspice:
1. Download ADUM3190 Web Model
2. Accept the License Agreement to proceed
3. Open the ADuM3190B.sub using SPICE Simulator w/ Schematic Capture
4. Right Click on the .SUBCKT and click Create Symbol
5. A prompt will appear that asks to automatically create a symbol, click yes.
6. A symbol will be generated in generic way.
But you can change it based on your preferences using tools in the Draw tab.
Thanks for the model file. But I can not import the file in Simetrix. It will be helpful if you suggest needful.
The unit wasn't tested in the Simetrix, but I think it should be able to test it in the said software since there's a .SUBCKT. May I know how did you import it? If there's a prompt showing that the file is an unknown file, can you check if the file is in Apple MAC format?
It works in LTspice. But in my organization, there is no access to Ltspice. To make it work in Simetrix, I need pspice model in .LIB format. Can u please help on this?
Hello manimuthu247 ,
Can you try changing the file extension from .sub to .lib? If it doesn't work, try adding a .include line to the file.
I tried that too.. But not working.
In LTSPICE also, this .sub file not working.Please find the attachment.
Kindly resolve this issue at the earliest.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Mani,
Based on ADuM3190 simulation problem - Q&A - Interface and Isolation - EngineerZone (analog.com), there's an updated spice model so I think the Interface and Isolation community could assist you better.
Hi team,
It is really difficult to move next stage in my design phase without simulation file. So please help out at the earliest
Hi team,
It is really difficult to move next stage in my design phase without simulation file. So please help out at the earliest
Awaiting your response.
Please provide the updated spice model asap.
Hope you understand my urgency. Please provide the needful detail as soon as possible.