Hello ,We have few questions regarding ADUM3151.
We are planning to use the digital Isolator for SPI.
A) It's written in the data sheet page 18 that "the MI pin is always active and does not tristate and therefore , this precludes tying several MI Lines together"
I think this means I can't tie the MI pin of Multiple ADUM3151 ICs without a Multiplexer is that correct? Are there any IC Alternatives that do not require external Multiplexer for Tying the lines together ?
B) What about MO , SO , SI and the clock , can I tie the different ADUM3151 ICs together on the same isolated side so that I control the Communication through the Slave select alone ? or I need also Multiplexing same as MI ?
C) Can I use the low speed data lines (whose direction from master to slave) as extra slave select signals in case it won't affect my overall system speed or will that cause any issues with the IC ?
D) Is the isolation considered Galvanic Isolation ? I am planning to use MAX253 with a pulsed transformer to Isolate the supply so I want to make sure that the IC will provide the necessary Isolation.
Thank you very much in advance.
Amr Wael
R&D Electronics Engineer