I am using ADUM1412ARWZ in a circuit and now it is not available. Can I replace it with ADUM1412BRWZ? Please suggest
The ADuM1410/ADuM1411/ADuM1412 are four-channel digital isolators based on Analog Devices, Inc. iCoupler® technology. Combining high speed CMOS and monolithic...
ADUM1412 on Analog.com
I am using ADUM1412ARWZ in a circuit and now it is not available. Can I replace it with ADUM1412BRWZ? Please suggest
Hi Sandy,
The ADuM141x B-grade has faster and tighter timing specs than the A-grade. I would expect a typical application to have no trouble with the substitution, but the different timing specs in the datasheet would have to be evaluated for the specific application.
Thanks Jason, For the very straight answer.
Thanks Jason, For the very straight answer.