What type of support can I expect from ADI while I am incorporating the RapID Platform reference design into my product?
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What type of support can I expect from ADI while I am incorporating the RapID Platform reference design into my product?
Dear Team, Am not able to find the EDS files and other resources for RAPID V2X09 the same in the website. Will be glad if you could incorporate the same in the website else a download link.
Dear Team, Am not able to find the EDS files and other resources for RAPID V2X09 the same in the website. Will be glad if you could incorporate the same in the website else a download link.
The EDS file can be found for download in the ADI Chronous Developer Portal.
Once you have logged into the Portal, please download the zip file with the following title.
EtherNet/IP RapID Platform with REMS Software
The EDS file can be found in that zip file in the following directory structure:
The name of the file will be:
" Basic_EIP_demo_cfg_REM.eds"
Please let me know if you have further questions.
Hello DET_CStelmar.
I want to access the ADI Chronous Developer Portal to use the REMS Software but I get everytime the message:
"Ohm my! You are not Authorized for the Requested Page"
I am logged in in MYANALOG-account. What I have to do, to get the access?
best regards!
You have to register for the Developer Portal.
Industrial Ethernet Platform Solutions | Analog Devices
Click on "Register Now" and the Developer Portal Support Team will be able to get back with you regarding your registration.