I have been wondering what sort of platform solutions your group has for developing Deterministic Ethernet Devices.
What currently exists?
Where do I find it?
How would I get started?
Hello, Thank you for bringing this up. We have currently released three different protocols for RPG2. They include EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP and Profinet. They can be found in the Developer Portal. ... To get started you can work with the Protocol Specific Quickstart Guide and follow the 5 steps for integrating the RAPID Software. Thank you very much. Best Regards,
Hello, Thank you for bringing this up. We have currently released three different protocols for RPG2. They include EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP and Profinet. They can be found in the Developer Portal. ... To get started you can work with the Protocol Specific Quickstart Guide and follow the 5 steps for integrating the RAPID Software. Thank you very much. Best Regards,