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KCC's Quizzes AQQ258 about a partial eclipse Sun-Moon

1. Quote of the week: "People say nothing is impossible; but I do nothing every day!" - Anonymous


2. New quiz: AQQ258 about a partial eclipse Sun-Moon


Some of us (in Dallas) had probably the chance to have observed a total eclipse of the Sun last week.

To celebrate that event in our quizzes, we propose the following related challenge: 

The above pictures describe a partial eclipse between the moon (circle B) and the sun (circle R).

At a certain instant, the eclipse is such that points MNO form a quarter area of circle R; meaning arc MN is a quarter circle).

At that moment, point O is the center of R and the segment OM measures 4 cm.


What is the area of the portion of blue circle B that is situated outside circle R?

Good luck! And try to be among the firsts!


P.S. Don't hesitate to share those weekly quizzes in EZ to colleagues or friends!

Please share your answer to view other submitted answers
  • The area of the portion of blue circle B that is situated outside circle R is 8 sq cm.

    Complete the square inside the circle.  The circle B radius is half the diagonal of the square or sqrt(8).

    Each segment of B with cord length of 4cm has an area of (2PI-4) sq cm.

    The quarter circle area is 4PI sq cm

    The circle B area is 8PI

    Area of B outside is equal to 8PI - 4PI - 2*(2PI-4) = 8 sq cm.

  • The area of the portion of blue circle B that is situated outside circle R is 8 sq cm.

    Complete the square inside the circle.  The circle B radius is half the diagonal of the square or sqrt(8).

    Each segment of B with cord length of 4cm has an area of (2PI-4) sq cm.

    The quarter circle area is 4PI sq cm

    The circle B area is 8PI

    Area of B outside is equal to 8PI - 4PI - 2*(2PI-4) = 8 sq cm.
