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KCC's Quizzes: Anniversary and Ages in Prime Numbers

In 1979, a mother and her 4 sons are aged 97, 67, 61, 59 and 53 respectively. All these ages and that year are prime numbers.


  1. That “situation” did already happen (prime numbers in the year and in their 5 ages) in the past for that family. When and what were their ages?
  2. That “situation” can occur again in the future (we suppose science will allow us to live much longer than now). When and what will be their ages?
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Parents Reply
  • He he, stopped calculating when I reached year 10,000....

    it happened before in the year 1949, ages 67 37 31 29 23 

    it will happen again, science permitting, in the years

    3209, ages 1327 1297 1291 1289 1283

    3539, ages 1657 1627 1621 1619 1613 

    4259, ages 2377 2347 2341 2339 2333 

    5939, ages 4057 4027 4021 4019 4013
