myAnalog email guidelines
Sign up using your corporate email address to ensure full access to all features. Personal email addresses are permitted; however, they will provide limited access to certain features, including restricted access to support and eShop services.
Important update for users who log in with Facebook
Effective May 14, 2024, Facebook is no longer supported as an authentication service by myAnalog.
- If you also used another login method (Google, LinkedIn, email/password), please log in using the other method.
- If you previously used only Facebook, please follow the password reset instructions below and log in with your email and password instead.
How to reset your password or email address
- Open the myAnalog password reset page:
- Enter your email address and click on "Send verification code."
- Check your email for your verification code sent to your email address.
- Enter the verification code and click on "Verify code."
- Click on Continue
- NOTE: If you need to change the email address, enter your new email address here.
- Enter your new password and click on Continue.
- NOTE: If you see an error message saying that your account could not be found or that you hadn't registered with your email address but a social account, Please log in with your social account instead.