Experience a better, quicker search! We listened to your feedback; kept what you liked about search and improved upon what you did not.
You no longer need to use SOLR syntax or Boolean operators to get the results you are looking for. As you start typing, results will appear after the second character and continue to filter as you continue typing.
EngineerZone® (EZ) is powered by a new search engine with three excellent features to help you find your answers fast,
- Natural Language Processing, the ability to understand text and spoken words in much the same way human beings can.
- Robust typo tolerance – Do not worry if you misspell a word. Typo tolerance allows users to make mistakes while typing and still find the words they’re looking for. This is done by matching words that are close in spelling.
- Highlighting & Snippeting - Search responses contain one or more highlighted results to easily show you how they matched your query.
The Home Page Search:
You asked us not to make many changes here, so we kept the display similar with a few improvements.
- View All Groups
- Brings you to the complete list of EngineerZone (EZ) groups, forums and libraries.
- View More
- Brings you to the Advanced Search page with your query result pre-filled and the Result Type filter applied.
- Advanced Search
- Brings you to the Advanced Search page with your query result pre-filled.
- Ask a Question
- Let’s you do just that, Ask a Question. More to read on this in How to Ask a Question
Finding the Correct Forum & View All Groups:
- From the home page type ad9361.
- You are presented with a list of Suggested Support Forums related to the part number.
- The top result will always be the best match. This is where you should post your question. In this case it is Design Support AD9361/AD9363/AD9364.
- The results that follow are Forums or Libraries that contain content mentioning the part number you entered in the search field.
- By clicking on View All Groups you are brought to the complete list of EZ Groups, Subgroups, Forums and Libraries. This is where you may expand the list sections to view all groups on EZ.
View All Groups:
View More:
- From the home page type ad9361.
- Click on View More under Answered Questions to view all answered questions with the term AD9361.
- Advanced Search opens with your search query prefilled with the filter, Forum Thread applied.
- You can further refine your search by choosing an option in the Groups, Forums & Libraries filter.
Using Advanced Search:
- Clicking Advanced Search will bring you to the Advanced search page with your search query pre-filled.
- Click on the title or post description to open that search result.
- You can refine your search by clicking on the green tags or by using the filters to the left.
- Choose a filter, we use Forum Threads for this example
- Forum Threads are prioritized to display Verified Answered Questions first
- Click on the group/forum name to open that group/forum
- Clear your filters one at a time by clicking the X or click Clear All to remove all filters
Not starting on the home page? Don’t worry, the Advanced Search can also be accessed in the community header of other pages.
- Start typing in the Advanced Search and you will see the results filtering as you type.
- In the example below, you can see I typed: ad9361 start up seq
- Results kept changing while I was typing.
- Search has highlighted startup, start-up and the individual words start and up as well as the part number
Coming soon! You will be able to click on the Analog.com results tab to view content hosted on Analog.com.
- Our new search is typo tolerant
- In the example below I typed DA7172.
- The search provided content based on the actual part number AD7172 and accounted for the multiple variations: AD7172-2, AD7172-2SDZ and AD7172/5/7-2
Searching in a Specific Group, Forum or Library
IMPORTANT: If you initiate your search from a specific group, forum or library, the search will serve up content from your current location (group, forum or library) first.
- For example, navigate to the Precision ADCs group/forum
- Search for content related to a specific product number, such as AD1582
- The first results displayed are from the Precision ADCs group
- Keep scrolling and you will see content from other groups that match your query
- Advanced Search and the Ask a Question options are always available at the bottom of the display
Content appears from your location first
New! Search Analog.com Results
Now you can search Analog.com results in the homepage search, navigation bar, and Advanced Search.
On the homepage search, start typing in a specific word or phrase and click on “Search Results for Analog.com” to view the results in Advanced Search.
In Advanced Search, you will see the Analog.com search results.
At any time when you are using Advanced Search, you can click on the Analog.com tab to view results. Click on the title of the search result to be directed to the appropriate Analog.com page.