I have connected the AD9747 FMC board to the KC705 and set it up according to the instructions at https://wiki.analog.com/resources/fpga/xilinx/interposer/ad9747
I've set the options in the three tabs of the SPI control software to those shown in the figures, have connected 5V power to the board, and a 250 MHz 2dB sinewave to CLOCK IN (J1). When I download the .bit file using iMPACT, I get the expected "dac dds setup(45MHz, 29MHz). done." message in tera term. However I can see no output at IOUT1P or IOUT2P.
The SPI seems to be working (after writing 0x01 to address 0x1e1, I can read it out again, and powering down DAC1 and/or DAC2 from the software decreases the current drawn from the 5V supply).
I attached my scope to DATA CLOCK OUT (J3) and can see no signal, even when toggling the setting "Power-Down Clock Output". I checked that I J4 for the input clock, and jumpers JP2 and JP3 are unpopulated.
Is there anything you can recommend I try, to work out what the problem is?