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ad9695-625 zcu102 bring up procedure (for posterity)

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD9695

this is my bring up procedure for the ad9695-625 board based on the ad9695_fmc example hdl. I had a terrible time figuring this out. there are lots of gotchas and caveats that are not apparent in the procedure. im not covering every step, but will provide my modified source material examples so it can be constructed and understood. there may be some rambling here...


  • build it with a non stigged linux distro or use umask and setfacl. not sure what all security I ripped out
  • create multiple backup coppies of the ad9695-fmc project for modification and rebuild. always keep a fresh copy in the projects folder. the file you build must be named ad9695_fmc
  • I used kuiper linux, it has /linux_adi_scripts to help with troubleshooting as well as iioscope
  • the linux driver ad9208 has a bug in it, in that, it does not cover the full range of the -625 speed grade. I used 625MSPS as my sample rate
  1. HDL compile
    1. Create a folder to unpack the hdl such as /home/VivadoProjects
    2. Download and unzip the file into your preferred location
    3. Open a terminal and source Vivado by pasting this:
      • source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.2/
    4. navigate to hdl/projects/
      • create a copy of ad9695_fmc: cp -rf ad9695_fmc ad9695_fmdBK
    5. navigate to ad9695_fmc
    6. type make. The project should build with no errors
    7. open the .xpr project file at /zcu102 with Vivado
    8. in the tcl window, navigate to your current project
    9. source the script: source ../../scripts/gtwizard_generator.tcl
    10. run the gt_wizard script with your preferred lane rate and refclk
      • ad_gth_generator 6.25 QPLL0 156.25
      • ad_gth_generator <lane rate> QPLL0 <ref clk>
    11. navigate to the build products: *.gen folder and locate
      • GT_type_cfng.txt
    12. Use the overlapping parameters in the text file to change tcl located at ~/hdl/projects/ad9695_fmc/common
      • See attached example
    13. Change the name of ad9695_fmc to ad9695_std
    14. cp -rf ad9695_fmcBK ad9695_fmc
    15. replace the tcl script in the common folder with the one you modified
    16. build the project
    17. open the project in Vivado and export the hardware including the bitstream
  2. modify the device tree
    1. Once a device tree is compiled, there is a disconnect that bars doing it again.
      • The project must be deleted and recreated
    2. Compiling a device tree requires allowing the build to fail in order to download the dependencies.
    3. There are two methods and two categories of device tree generation: I didn’t do any of them
  3. petalinux
    1. 1.1        Caveats

      • Petalinux can not be run with elevated permissions, so create your project directory in user space
      • You can call Petalinux-config with or without the xsa
      • Calling patalinux-config with xsa changes the xsa file in the project
      • The xsa is used to build the boot.bin file

      1.2        Build

      • source /Petalinux/2023.2/
      • navigate to the directory you want to create your project
      • petalinux-create -t project --template zynqMP --name zcu102-A
      • cd zcu102-A
      • git clone
      • petalinux-config --get-hw-description /home/path/to/hdl/projects/ad9695_fmc/zcu102/system_top.xsa
      • when the config screen appears make the following changes to the project
      • navigate to yocto>user layers> and add the path to your meta-adi/meta-adi-xilinx folder to the layer
        • /home/user/projects/AD9695-fmc/zcu102-A/meta-adi/meta-adi-xilinx
      • navigate to yocto>sstate and add the following to the entry
        • file:///home/user/path/to/your/project/folder/sstate/2023.2
      • navigate to yocto>pre-mirror, delete the contents of the entry and add the following to the entry
        • file:///Petalinux/2023.2/Downloads
      • Start the build
        • Petalinux-build
      • WHILE THE PROJECT IS BUILDING navigate to project-spec>meta-user>conf and modify petalinuxBSP.conf to look like this:

      #user configuration


      #OE TERMINAL=”tmux”


      • This is supposed to do that but I didn’t find that it would work with non stock dts
      • echo "KERNEL_DTB=\"${my_ad9695}\"" >> project-spec/meta-user/conf/petalinuxbsp.conf


      The build will fail with two failures no file found and cannont find “pl-delete-note-my_ad9695.dtsi”

      • Copy the device tree to the proper location
      • cp /home/<path-to-location>/Device_tree_for_iqRecorder/my_ad9695.dts /home/user/path/to project file/zcu102-A/build/tmp/work-shared/zynqmp-generic-xczu9eg/kernel-source/arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/
      • run this command
      • touch /home/user/path-to-project/zcu102-A/build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic_xczu9eg-xilinx-linux/device-tree/xilinx-v2023.2+gitAUTOINC+1a5881d004-r0/pl-delete-nodes-my_ad9695.dtsi



      that should pass

      • navigate to image/linux folder, decompile the device tree to verify it is correct
      • dtc -I dtb -O dts -o system.dtb system.dts
    2. Here are other commands to build components of linux

      • petalinux-build -c petalinux-image-full
      • create the boot.bin file: petalinux-package --boot --fsbl --fpga --u-boot
      • petalinux-build -c device-tree
  4. set up the synchrona for your clock info. these are integer multiples of pll2 found in the debug screen. set the sample rate first then go check and calculate...
  5. booting
      • There are scripts of interest on the root directory / linux_image_ADI-scripts and /qualis_scripts
      • Run /linux_image_ADI-scripts/
      • Interrupt fsbl for a manual boot and run the following at the command line
      • Try running these as multi-line pastes to avoid manual typing

      mmc rescan

      mmc part

      fatload mmc 0:1 0x100000 BOOT.BIN

      fatload mmc 0:1 0x2A00000 system.dtb

      fatload mmc 0:1 0x3000000 Image

      setenv bootargs 'console=ttyPS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw earlycon rootfstype=ext4 rootwait clk_ignore_unused'

      booti 0x3000000 - 0x2A00000


      here are snippets of interest from the boot log:

      [    3.647116] axi_adxcvr 84a60000.axi-adxcvr-rx: AXI-ADXCVR-RX (17.05.a) using QPLL on GTH4 at 0x84A60000. Number of lanes: 4.

      [    3.657490] axi-jesd204-rx 84aa0000.axi-jesd204-rx: AXI-JESD204-RX (1.07.a) at 0x84AA0000. Encoder 8b10b, width 4/4, lanes 4.

      [    3.669049] axi_sysid 85000000.axi-sysid-0: AXI System ID core version (1.01.a) found

      [    3.676178] axi_sysid 85000000.axi-sysid-0: [ad9695_fmc] [RX:L=4 M=2 S=1] on [zcu102] git branch <main> git <ae9605bd224fee266b226413ba3a0e0076ed3c68> dirty [2024-07-30 19:21:01] UTC

      [    3.692838] fpga_manager fpga0: Xilinx ZynqMP FPGA Manager registered


      [    4.053146] ad9208 spi1.0: ad9695 PLL LOCKED

      [    4.066852] ad9208 spi1.0: ad9695 Rev. 2 Grade 1 (API 1.0.1) probed


      analog@analog:~$ iio_info          ç run this

          iio:device0: axi-ad9695-hpc (buffer capable)

                      2 channels found:

                              voltage0:  (input, index: 0, format: le:S16/16>>0)

                              6 channel-specific attributes found:

                                      attr  0: dc_filter_enable value: 0

                                      attr  1: sampling_frequency value: 625000000

                                      attr  2: scale value: 0.025939

                                      attr  3: scale_available value: 0.017242 0.019073 0.025939 0.027618 0.029449 0.031127

                                      attr  4: test_mode value: off

                                      attr  5: test_mode_available value: off midscale_short pos_fullscale neg_fullscale checkerboard pn_long pn_short one_zero_toggle user ramp

                              voltage1:  (input, index: 1, format: le:S16/16>>0)

                              6 channel-specific attributes found:

                                      attr  0: dc_filter_enable value: 0

                                      attr  1: sampling_frequency value: 625000000

                                      attr  2: scale value: 0.025939

                                      attr  3: scale_available value: 0.017242 0.019073 0.025939 0.027618 0.029449 0.031127

                                      attr  4: test_mode value: off

                                      attr  5: test_mode_available value: off midscale_short pos_fullscale neg_fullscale checkerboard pn_long pn_short one_zero_toggle user ramp

                      2 device-specific attributes found:

                                      attr  0: sync_start_enable value: disarm

                                      attr  1: sync_start_enable_available value: arm

                      2 buffer-specific attributes found:

                                      attr  0: data_available value: 0

                                      attr  1: length_align_bytes value: 16

                      No trigger on this device


                      0 channels found:

                      2 device-specific attributes found:

                                      attr  0: add_trigger ERROR: Permission denied (13)

                                      attr  1: remove_trigger ERROR: Permission denied (13)

                      No trigger on this device




      Gt_wizard readme


      Petalinux users guide

      Xilinx transceiver manuals

      AD-SYNCHRONA14-EBZ User Guide:


      Zcu102 board info

      mmc rescan
      mmc part
      fatload mmc 0:1 0x100000 BOOT.BIN
      fatload mmc 0:1 0x2A00000 system.dtb
      fatload mmc 0:1 0x3000000 Image
      setenv bootargs 'console=ttyPS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw earlycon rootfstype=ext4 rootwait clk_ignore_unused'
      booti 0x3000000 - 0x2A00000
      // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
       * Analog Devices AD9695 / AD9689 ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER
       * hdl_project: <ad9695_fmc/zcu102>
       * board_revision: <>
       * Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Analog Devices Inc.
      #include "/home/jhardin/projects/AD9695-fmc/zcu102-A/build/tmp/work-shared/zynqmp-generic-xczu9eg/kernel-source/arch/arm64/boot/dts/xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev1.0.dts"
      #include </home/jhardin/projects/AD9695-fmc/zcu102-A/build/tmp/work-shared/zynqmp-generic-xczu9eg/kernel-source/include/dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
      #include </home/jhardin/projects/AD9695-fmc/zcu102-A/build/tmp/work-shared/zynqmp-generic-xczu9eg/kernel-source/include/dt-bindings/iio/adc/adi,ad9208.h>
      #include </home/jhardin/projects/AD9695-fmc/zcu102-A/build/tmp/work-shared/zynqmp-generic-xczu9eg/kernel-source/include/dt-bindings/jesd204/adxcvr.h>
      &i2c1 {
      	i2c-mux@75 {
      		i2c@0 {
      			#address-cells = <1>;
      			#size-cells = <0>;
      			reg = <0>;
      			eeprom@50 {
      				compatible = "at24,24c02";
      				reg = <0x50>;
      / {
      	clocks {
      		ad9695_clkin: clock@0 {
      			#clock-cells = <0>;
      			compatible = "adjustable-clock";
      			clock-frequency = <625000000>;
      			clock-accuracy = <1000000000>;
      			clock-output-names = "ad9695_clk";
      		device_clk: clock@1 {
      			#clock-cells = <0>;
      			compatible = "adjustable-clock";
      			clock-frequency =  <156250000>;
      			clock-accuracy = <1000000000>;
      			clock-output-names = "dev_clk";
      		sysref: clock@2 {
      			#clock-cells = <0>;
      			compatible = "adjustable-clock";
      			clock-frequency = <9765725>;
      			clock-accuracy = <1000000000>;
      			clock-output-names = "adc_sysref";
      	fpga_axi: fpga-axi@0 {
      		interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
      		compatible = "simple-bus";
      		#address-cells = <0x1>;
      		#size-cells = <0x1>;
      		ranges = <0 0 0 0xffffffff>;
      		rx_dma: rx-dmac@9c400000 {
      			#dma-cells = <1>;
      			compatible = "adi,axi-dmac-1.00.a";
      			reg = <0x9c400000 0x1000>;
      			interrupts = <0 109 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
      			clocks = <&zynqmp_clk 71>;
      			adi,channels {
      				#size-cells = <0>;
      				#address-cells = <1>;
      				dma-channel@0 {
      					reg = <0>;
      					adi,source-bus-width = <128>;
      					adi,source-bus-type = <1>;
      					adi,destination-bus-width = <128>;
      					adi,destination-bus-type = <0>;
      		axi_ad9695_core: axi-ad9695-hpc@84a00000 {
      			compatible = "adi,axi-ad9208-1.0";
      			reg = <0x84a00000 0x2000>;
      			dmas = <&rx_dma 0>;
      			dma-names = "rx";
      			spibus-connected = <&adc0_ad9695>;
      		axi_ad9695_jesd: axi-jesd204-rx@84aa0000 {
      			compatible = "adi,axi-jesd204-rx-1.0";
      			reg = <0x84aa0000 0x4000>;
      			interrupts = <0 108 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
      			clocks = <&zynqmp_clk 71>, <&device_clk>, <&axi_ad9695_adxcvr 0>;
      			clock-names = "s_axi_aclk", "device_clk", "lane_clk";
      			adi,octets-per-frame = <1>;
      			adi,frames-per-multiframe = <32>;
      			adi,subclass =  <0>;
      			#clock-cells = <0>;
      			clock-output-names = "jesd_adc_lane_clk";
      		axi_ad9695_adxcvr: axi-adxcvr-rx@84a60000 {
      			compatible = "adi,axi-adxcvr-1.0";
      			reg = <0x84a60000 0x10000>;
      			clocks = <&device_clk>, <&device_clk>;
      			clock-names = "conv", "div40";
      			adi,sys-clk-select = <XCVR_QPLL>;
      			adi,out-clk-select = <XCVR_REFCLK>;
      			#clock-cells = <1>;
      			clock-output-names = "adc_gt_clk", "rx_out_clk";
      		axi_sysid_0: axi-sysid-0@85000000 {
      			compatible = "adi,axi-sysid-1.00.a";
      			reg = <0x85000000 0x2000>;
      &spi0 {
      	status = "okay";
      	adc0_ad9695: ad9695@0 {
      		compatible = "adi,ad9695";
      		powerdown-gpios = <&gpio 116 0>;
      		fastdetect-a-gpios = <&gpio 113 0>;
      		fastdetect-b-gpios = <&gpio 114 0>;
      		spi-max-frequency = <5000000>;
      		reg = <0>;
      		clocks = <&axi_ad9695_jesd>, <&ad9695_clkin>, <&sysref>;
      		clock-names = "jesd_adc_clk", "adc_clk", "adc_sysref";
      		adi,powerdown-mode = <AD9208_PDN_MODE_POWERDOWN>;
      		adi,sampling-frequency = /bits/ 64  <625000000>; 
      		adi,input-clock-divider-ratio = <1>;
      		adi,analog-input-neg-buffer-current = <AD9208_BUFF_CURR_600_UA>;
      		adi,analog-input-pos-buffer-current = <AD9208_BUFF_CURR_600_UA>;
      		adi,sysref-lmfc-offset = <0>;
      		adi,sysref-pos-window-skew = <0>;
      		adi,sysref-neg-window-skew = <0>;
      		adi,sysref-mode = <AD9208_SYSREF_CONT>;
      		adi,sysref-nshot-ignore-count = <0>;
      		/* JESD204 parameters */
      		adi,octets-per-frame = <1>;
      		adi,frames-per-multiframe = <32>;
      		adi,converter-resolution = <16>;
      		adi,bits-per-sample = <16>;
      		adi,converters-per-device = <2>;
      		adi,control-bits-per-sample = <0>;
      		adi,lanes-per-device = <4>;
      		adi,subclass =  <1>;
      		#address-cells = <1>;
      		#size-cells = <0>;
      Unique configuration/attribute values
      The following attribute/value pairs are unique for one or more configuration
      $VAR1 = 'GTHE4_QPLL0_6_25_156';
      $VAR2 = {
                'channel' => {},
                'common' => {},
                'pll_dividers' => {}
      Common configuration/attribute values
      The following attribute/value pairs are the same for each configuration 
      $VAR1 = 'gt_global';
      $VAR2 = {
                'common' => {
                              'QPLL1_CFG1' => '0xD038',
                              'POR_CFG' => '0x0',
                              'QPLL0_CP' => '0xFF',
                              'QPLL1_CFG2' => '0xFC3',
                              'QPLL1_CFG3' => '0x120',
                              'QPLL0_CFG1' => '0xD038',
                              'QPLL1_CP' => '0xFF',
                              'QPLL0_CFG3' => '0x120',
                              'QPLL0_CFG2' => '0xFC3',
                              'QPLL1_CFG4' => '0x3',
                              'QPLL1_CP_G3' => '0x7F',
                              'PPF0_CFG' => '0x800',
                              'QPLL0_CFG4' => '0x4',
                              'QPLL0_CP_G3' => '0xF',
                              'QPLL0_CFG1_G3' => '0xD038',
                              'PPF1_CFG' => '0x600',
                              'QPLL0_CFG2_G3' => '0xFC3',
                              'QPLL1_LPF' => '0x21F',
                              'QPLL1_CFG1_G3' => '0xD038',
                              'QPLL0_LPF' => '0x21F',
                              'QPLL1_CFG2_G3' => '0xFC3',
                              'QPLL0_CFG0' => '0x331C',
                              'QPLL1_CFG0' => '0x331C'
                'channel' => {
                               'TXBUF_EN' => '"TRUE"',
                               'RXCDR_CFG3_GEN4' => '0x12',
                               'CPLL_CFG3' => '0x0',
                               'CPLL_CFG2' => '0x2',
                               'CH_HSPMUX' => '0x4444',
                               'CPLL_CFG1' => '0x23',
                               'PREIQ_FREQ_BST' => '0x1',
                               'RXDFE_PWR_SAVING' => '0x1',
                               'GEARBOX_MODE' => '0x0',
                               'A_TXDIFFCTRL' => '0xC',
                               'RXBUF_EN' => '"TRUE"',
                               'RXCDR_CFG3_GEN3' => '0x12',
                               'DEC_MCOMMA_DETECT' => '"TRUE"',
                               'RXPI_CFG1' => '0x0',
                               'RXCDR_CFG2' => '0x255',
                               'RXCDR_CFG3_GEN2' => '0x12',
                               'ALIGN_COMMA_ENABLE' => '0x3FF',
                               'RXCDR_CFG0' => '0x3',
                               'RX_WIDEMODE_CDR' => '0x0',
                               'ALIGN_MCOMMA_DET' => '"TRUE"',
                               'ALIGN_PCOMMA_DET' => '"TRUE"',
                               'RXCDR_CFG2_GEN4' => '0x164',
                               'RXGEARBOX_EN' => '"FALSE"',
                               'CBCC_DATA_SOURCE_SEL' => '"DECODED"',
                               'DEC_PCOMMA_DETECT' => '"TRUE"',
                               'TX_DATA_WIDTH' => '40',
                               'CPLL_CFG0' => '0x1FA',
                               'TXPH_CFG' => '0x723',
                               'TXGEARBOX_EN' => '"FALSE"',
                               'RXCDR_CFG2_GEN3' => '0x255',
                               'RXBUF_THRESH_UNDFLW' => '3',
                               'RXGBOX_FIFO_INIT_RD_ADDR' => '4',
                               'RXCDR_CFG3' => '0x12',
                               'RX_DATA_WIDTH' => '40',
                               'RXPI_CFG0' => '0x2004',
                               'RXCDR_CFG2_GEN2' => '0x255'
                'pll_dividers' => {
                                    'QPLL0_FBDIV' => '80',
                                    'QPLL1_FBDIV' => '66',
                                    'QPLL0_FBDIV_G3' => '160',
                                    'QPLL1CLKOUT_RATE' => '"HALF"',
                                    'TX_CLK25_DIV' => '7',
                                    'QPLL0CLKOUT_RATE' => '"HALF"',
                                    'RXOUT_DIV' => '2',
                                    'QPLL1_FBDIV_G3' => '80',
                                    'CPLL_FBDIV_45' => '5',
                                    'CPLL_FBDIV' => '2',
                                    'RX_CLK25_DIV' => '7',
                                    'QPLL1_REFCLK_DIV' => '1',
                                    'CPLL_REFCLK_DIV' => '1',
                                    'QPLL0_REFCLK_DIV' => '1',
                                    'TXOUT_DIV' => '2'
      ## Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
      ### SPDX short identifier: ADIBSD
      # RX parameters
      set RX_NUM_OF_LANES $ad_project_params(RX_JESD_L)           ; # L
      set RX_NUM_OF_CONVERTERS $ad_project_params(RX_JESD_M)      ; # M
      set RX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME $ad_project_params(RX_JESD_S)      ; # S
      set RX_SAMPLE_WIDTH 16                                      ; # N/NP
      set adc_data_width [expr $RX_SAMPLE_WIDTH * $RX_NUM_OF_CONVERTERS * $RX_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL]
      set adc_dma_data_width [expr $RX_SAMPLE_WIDTH * $RX_NUM_OF_CONVERTERS * $RX_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL]
      # These are max values specific to the board
      set MAX_RX_NUM_OF_LANES 4
      source $ad_hdl_dir/library/jesd204/scripts/jesd204.tcl
      # adc peripherals
      ad_ip_instance axi_adxcvr axi_ad9695_rx_xcvr [list \
        QPLL_ENABLE 1 \
        TX_OR_RX_N 0 \
        SYS_CLK_SEL 3 \
        OUT_CLK_SEL 3 \
      adi_axi_jesd204_rx_create axi_ad9695_rx_jesd $RX_NUM_OF_LANES
      ad_ip_parameter axi_ad9695_rx_jesd/rx CONFIG.SYSREF_IOB false
      ad_ip_instance util_cpack2 util_ad9695_rx_cpack [list \
      adi_tpl_jesd204_rx_create rx_ad9695_tpl_core $RX_NUM_OF_LANES \
                                                     $RX_NUM_OF_CONVERTERS \
                                                     $RX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME \
      ad_ip_instance clk_wiz dma_clk_wiz
      ad_ip_parameter dma_clk_wiz CONFIG.PRIMITIVE MMCM
      ad_ip_parameter dma_clk_wiz CONFIG.RESET_TYPE ACTIVE_LOW
      ad_ip_parameter dma_clk_wiz CONFIG.USE_LOCKED false
      ad_ip_parameter dma_clk_wiz CONFIG.CLKOUT1_REQUESTED_OUT_FREQ 332.9
      ad_ip_parameter dma_clk_wiz CONFIG.PRIM_SOURCE No_buffer
      ad_ip_instance axi_dmac axi_ad9695_rx_dma [list \
        DMA_TYPE_SRC 2 \
        DMA_TYPE_DEST 0 \
        CYCLIC 0 \
        DMA_2D_TRANSFER 0 \
        FIFO_SIZE 32 \
        MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST 2048 \
        AXI_SLICE_DEST 1 \
        AXI_SLICE_SRC 1 \
        DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH 24 \
        DMA_DATA_WIDTH_DEST 128 \
        DMA_DATA_WIDTH_SRC $adc_dma_data_width \
      # common cores
      # fPLLClkin = 325 MHz => RX_CLK25_DIV = 13
      # fPLLClkout = 13000 MHz - qpll0
      ad_ip_instance util_adxcvr util_ad9695_xcvr [list \
        TX_NUM_OF_LANES 0 \
        QPLL_FBDIV 40 \
        QPLL_REFCLK_DIV 1 \
        RX_OUT_DIV 1 \
        RX_CLK25_DIV 13 \
        POR_CFG 0x0 \
        QPLL_CFG0 0x331c \
        QPLL_CFG1 0xd038 \
        QPLL_CFG1_G3 0xd038 \
        QPLL_CFG2 0xfc3 \
        QPLL_CFG2_G3 0xfc1 \
        QPLL_CFG3 0x120 \
        QPLL_CFG4 0x3 \
        QPLL_CP 0xff \
        QPLL_CP_G3 0xf \
        QPLL_LPF 0x21f \
        CH_HSPMUX 0x4444 \
        PREIQ_FREQ_BST 1 \
        RXPI_CFG0 0x104 \
        RXPI_CFG1 0x0 \
        RXCDR_CFG0 0x3 \
        RXCDR_CFG2_GEN2 0x255 \
        RXCDR_CFG2_GEN4 0x164 \
        RXCDR_CFG3 0x11 \
        RXCDR_CFG3_GEN2 0x12 \
        RXCDR_CFG3_GEN3 0x12 \
        RXCDR_CFG3_GEN4 0x12 \
      # xcvr interfaces
      set rx_ref_clk     rx_ref_clk_0
      create_bd_port -dir I $rx_ref_clk
      create_bd_port -dir I rx_core_clk_0
      ad_connect  $sys_cpu_resetn util_ad9695_xcvr/up_rstn
      ad_connect  $sys_cpu_clk util_ad9695_xcvr/up_clk
      # Rx
      ad_connect ad9695_rx_device_clk rx_core_clk_0
      ad_xcvrcon  util_ad9695_xcvr axi_ad9695_rx_xcvr axi_ad9695_rx_jesd {} ad9695_rx_device_clk {} $MAX_RX_NUM_OF_LANES
      ad_xcvrpll $rx_ref_clk util_ad9695_xcvr/qpll_ref_clk_0
      for {set i 0} {$i < $MAX_RX_NUM_OF_LANES} {incr i} {
        set ch [expr $i]
        ad_xcvrpll  $rx_ref_clk util_ad9695_xcvr/cpll_ref_clk_$ch
        ad_xcvrpll  axi_ad9695_rx_xcvr/up_pll_rst util_ad9695_xcvr/up_cpll_rst_$ch
      ad_xcvrpll  axi_ad9695_rx_xcvr/up_pll_rst util_ad9695_xcvr/up_qpll_rst_*
      # connections (adc)
      ad_connect $sys_cpu_resetn axi_ad9695_rx_dma/m_dest_axi_aresetn
      ad_connect dma_clk_wiz/clk_out1 axi_ad9695_rx_dma/m_dest_axi_aclk
      ad_connect util_ad9695_rx_cpack/packed_fifo_wr axi_ad9695_rx_dma/fifo_wr
      ad_connect util_ad9695_rx_cpack/packed_sync axi_ad9695_rx_dma/sync
      ad_connect $sys_cpu_clk dma_clk_wiz/clk_in1
      ad_connect $sys_cpu_resetn dma_clk_wiz/resetn
      ad_connect ad9695_rx_device_clk rx_ad9695_tpl_core/link_clk
      ad_connect ad9695_rx_device_clk util_ad9695_rx_cpack/clk
      ad_connect ad9695_rx_device_clk axi_ad9695_rx_dma/fifo_wr_clk
      ad_connect ad9695_rx_device_clk_rstgen/peripheral_reset util_ad9695_rx_cpack/reset
      ad_connect axi_ad9695_rx_jesd/rx_sof rx_ad9695_tpl_core/link_sof
      ad_connect axi_ad9695_rx_jesd/rx_data_tdata rx_ad9695_tpl_core/link_data
      ad_connect axi_ad9695_rx_jesd/rx_data_tvalid rx_ad9695_tpl_core/link_valid
      ad_connect rx_ad9695_tpl_core/adc_valid_0 util_ad9695_rx_cpack/fifo_wr_en
      ad_connect rx_ad9695_tpl_core/adc_dovf util_ad9695_rx_cpack/fifo_wr_overflow
      for {set i 0} {$i < $RX_NUM_OF_CONVERTERS} {incr i} {
        ad_connect rx_ad9695_tpl_core/adc_enable_$i util_ad9695_rx_cpack/enable_$i
        ad_connect rx_ad9695_tpl_core/adc_data_$i util_ad9695_rx_cpack/fifo_wr_data_$i
      # interconnect (cpu)
      ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44A00000 rx_ad9695_tpl_core
      ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44A60000 axi_ad9695_rx_xcvr
      ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44AA0000 axi_ad9695_rx_jesd
      ad_cpu_interconnect 0x7c400000 axi_ad9695_rx_dma
      ad_mem_hp0_interconnect $sys_cpu_clk sys_ps8/S_AXI_HP0
      ad_mem_hp0_interconnect $sys_cpu_clk axi_ad9695_rx_xcvr/m_axi
      # interconnect (mem/dac)
      ad_mem_hp2_interconnect dma_clk_wiz/clk_out1 sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP1
      ad_mem_hp2_interconnect dma_clk_wiz/clk_out1 axi_ad9695_rx_dma/m_dest_axi
      # interrupts
      ad_cpu_interrupt ps-12 mb-13 axi_ad9695_rx_jesd/irq
      ad_cpu_interrupt ps-13 mb-12 axi_ad9695_rx_dma/irq

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