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fmcomms2 testbench error

Category: Software
Product Number: FPGA
Software Version: 2022_r2

I'm trying to simulate the AD9361 using the fmcomm2 testbench from the ADI testbenches repo.  Following the instructions in the README, I cloned the testbenches repository into the root of the ADI hdl repo.  I then run `make` from the fmcomms2 directory, and I get an error on line 2 of `system_project.tcl`.  The tcl file attempts to source `../../scripts/adi_env.tcl`, which does not exist on that path.  That script does exist on the path `../../projects/scripts/adi_env.tcl`.  Does this indicate that I've cloned the testbenches repo into the wrong directory?

After updating the path to `adi_env.tcl` in the two project tcl files, I then get an error from the Makefile because the variable `use_smartconnect` has not been set.  Should this variable get sourced from another tcl file that I'm missing somewhere?  I solved this error by adding `set use_smartconnect 1` into `testbenches/fmcomms2/cfgs/cfg1.tcl`, but this did not seem like it should be required.

Once I added the `use_smartconnect` variable, the simulation actually launched, but terminated with the following error:

Is there something that I'm doing incorrectly here?  I'd like to be able to simulate the AD9361 in a testbench under different configurations for developing signal processing IP cores.

Thank you!