Trying to configure the FMC DAQ2 and loop-back data then save some adc samples.
Following these instructions:
Carrier: KC705, Frontenf FMCDAQ2, Image:
After login as root/analog ifconfig shows eth0 at Can't ping the microblaze from a host connected to it via an ethernet switch.
iio-oscilloscope ver.0.25 will not connect via IP context. IIO daemon was started.
Rebuilt the non-os HW project (simpleImage.kc705_fmcdaq2,bit and elf) with Vivado 2022.2 and recompiled SW (libiio,iio-oscilloscope ver 0.25) but get the same results.
What am I missing or doing wrong ?
Updated title for clarity
[edited by: iulia at 9:04 AM (GMT -4) on 24 Jul 2024]