I'm using iio-oscillscope and linux/hdl built from source to debug adrv9002. I want to transmit and receive data from/to my custom HDL design rather than from/to arm, so I need to control my data stream and RF enable/disable by myself. I found in axi_adrv9001.v:
rx1_enbale = tdd_if1_mode ? tdd_rx1_rf_en:gpio_rx1_enable_in;
Is that mean signal tdd_rx1_rf_en is from Automated TDD in profile file and gpio_rx1_enable_in is from user defined pin, if I need receive data, only need set tdd_if1_mode to 0 and gpio_rx1_enable_in set to 1, and no more rf control signal needed?
Other question is there only tx1_enable/tx2_enable/rx1_enable/rx2_enable, how to enable observation channel, exist other pins or it is default enable when tx enable.