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UPack block of adrv9361z7035 ccbob_cmos vivadoexample project outputs 0s interleaved with data

Category: Software
Product Number: AD9361


I built the adrv9361z7035 ccbob_cmos example project with no-OS ad9361 drivers and I integrate a custom IP core into the Vivado project: such an IP core has an output AXI stream interface, and I replaced the TX DMA of the original project with it. The following image identies the modification

When it comes to software, I have the following settings in the app_config.h file:

#define AD9361_DEVICE 1 /* set it 1 if AD9361 device is used, 0 otherwise */
#define AD9364_DEVICE 0 /* set it 1 if AD9364 device is used, 0 otherwise */
#define AD9363A_DEVICE 0 /* set it 1 if AD9363A device is used, 0 otherwise */

//#define FMCOMMS5
//#define ADI_RF_SOM

//#define DMA_IRQ_ENABLE

Some additional information. I am using the following initial parameters into main.c file

AD9361_InitParam default_init_param = {
/* Device selection */
ID_AD9361, // dev_sel
/* Reference Clock */
40000000UL, //reference_clk_rate
/* Base Configuration */
0, //two_rx_two_tx_mode_enable *** adi,2rx-2tx-mode-enable
0, //one_rx_one_tx_mode_use_rx_num *** adi,1rx-1tx-mode-use-rx-num
0, //one_rx_one_tx_mode_use_tx_num *** adi,1rx-1tx-mode-use-tx-num
0, //frequency_division_duplex_mode_enable *** adi,frequency-division-duplex-mode-enable
0, //frequency_division_duplex_independent_mode_enable *** adi,frequency-division-duplex-independent-mode-enable
0, //tdd_use_dual_synth_mode_enable *** adi,tdd-use-dual-synth-mode-enable
0, //tdd_skip_vco_cal_enable *** adi,tdd-skip-vco-cal-enable
0, //tx_fastlock_delay_ns *** adi,tx-fastlock-delay-ns
0, //rx_fastlock_delay_ns *** adi,rx-fastlock-delay-ns
0, //rx_fastlock_pincontrol_enable *** adi,rx-fastlock-pincontrol-enable
0, //tx_fastlock_pincontrol_enable *** adi,tx-fastlock-pincontrol-enable
0, //external_rx_lo_enable *** adi,external-rx-lo-enable
0, //external_tx_lo_enable *** adi,external-tx-lo-enable
5, //dc_offset_tracking_update_event_mask *** adi,dc-offset-tracking-update-event-mask
6, //dc_offset_attenuation_high_range *** adi,dc-offset-attenuation-high-range
5, //dc_offset_attenuation_low_range *** adi,dc-offset-attenuation-low-range
0x28, //dc_offset_count_high_range *** adi,dc-offset-count-high-range
0x32, //dc_offset_count_low_range *** adi,dc-offset-count-low-range
0, //split_gain_table_mode_enable *** adi,split-gain-table-mode-enable
MAX_SYNTH_FREF, //trx_synthesizer_target_fref_overwrite_hz *** adi,trx-synthesizer-target-fref-overwrite-hz
0, // qec_tracking_slow_mode_enable *** adi,qec-tracking-slow-mode-enable
/* ENSM Control */
0, //ensm_enable_pin_pulse_mode_enable *** adi,ensm-enable-pin-pulse-mode-enable
0, //ensm_enable_txnrx_control_enable *** adi,ensm-enable-txnrx-control-enable
/* LO Control */
//620000000UL, //rx_synthesizer_frequency_hz *** adi,rx-synthesizer-frequency-hz
//620000000UL, //tx_synthesizer_frequency_hz *** adi,tx-synthesizer-frequency-hz
1, //tx_lo_powerdown_managed_enable *** adi,tx-lo-powerdown-managed-enable
/* Rate & BW Control */
// {983040000,122880000,61440000,30720000,15360000,15360000},// rx_path_clock_frequencies[6] *** adi,rx-path-clock-frequencies
// {983040000,122880000,61440000,30720000,30720000,15360000},// tx_path_clock_frequencies[6] *** adi,tx-path-clock-frequencies
{983040000,245760000,122880000,61440000,30720000,30720000},// rx_path_clock_frequencies[6] *** adi,rx-path-clock-frequencies
{983040000,245760000,122880000,61440000,61440000,30720000},// tx_path_clock_frequencies[6] *** adi,tx-path-clock-frequencies
// 1500000,//rf_rx_bandwidth_hz *** adi,rf-rx-bandwidth-hz
// 1500000,//rf_tx_bandwidth_hz *** adi,rf-tx-bandwidth-hz
22132016,//rf_rx_bandwidth_hz *** adi,rf-rx-bandwidth-hz
9682719,//rf_tx_bandwidth_hz *** adi,rf-tx-bandwidth-hz
/* RF Port Control */
0, //rx_rf_port_input_select *** adi,rx-rf-port-input-select
0, //tx_rf_port_input_select *** adi,tx-rf-port-input-select
/* TX Attenuation Control */
0, //tx_attenuation_mdB *** adi,tx-attenuation-mdB
0, //update_tx_gain_in_alert_enable *** adi,update-tx-gain-in-alert-enable
/* Reference Clock Control */
0, //xo_disable_use_ext_refclk_enable *** adi,xo-disable-use-ext-refclk-enable
{8, 5920}, //dcxo_coarse_and_fine_tune[2] *** adi,dcxo-coarse-and-fine-tune
CLKOUT_DISABLE, //clk_output_mode_select *** adi,clk-output-mode-select
/* Gain Control */
2, //gc_rx1_mode *** adi,gc-rx1-mode
2, //gc_rx2_mode *** adi,gc-rx2-mode
58, //gc_adc_large_overload_thresh *** adi,gc-adc-large-overload-thresh
4, //gc_adc_ovr_sample_size *** adi,gc-adc-ovr-sample-size
47, //gc_adc_small_overload_thresh *** adi,gc-adc-small-overload-thresh
8192, //gc_dec_pow_measurement_duration *** adi,gc-dec-pow-measurement-duration
0, //gc_dig_gain_enable *** adi,gc-dig-gain-enable
800, //gc_lmt_overload_high_thresh *** adi,gc-lmt-overload-high-thresh
704, //gc_lmt_overload_low_thresh *** adi,gc-lmt-overload-low-thresh
24, //gc_low_power_thresh *** adi,gc-low-power-thresh
15, //gc_max_dig_gain *** adi,gc-max-dig-gain
0, //gc_use_rx_fir_out_for_dec_pwr_meas_enable *** adi,gc-use-rx-fir-out-for-dec-pwr-meas-enable
/* Gain MGC Control */
2, //mgc_dec_gain_step *** adi,mgc-dec-gain-step
2, //mgc_inc_gain_step *** adi,mgc-inc-gain-step
0, //mgc_rx1_ctrl_inp_enable *** adi,mgc-rx1-ctrl-inp-enable
0, //mgc_rx2_ctrl_inp_enable *** adi,mgc-rx2-ctrl-inp-enable
0, //mgc_split_table_ctrl_inp_gain_mode *** adi,mgc-split-table-ctrl-inp-gain-mode
/* Gain AGC Control */
10, //agc_adc_large_overload_exceed_counter *** adi,agc-adc-large-overload-exceed-counter
2, //agc_adc_large_overload_inc_steps *** adi,agc-adc-large-overload-inc-steps
0, //agc_adc_lmt_small_overload_prevent_gain_inc_enable *** adi,agc-adc-lmt-small-overload-prevent-gain-inc-enable
10, //agc_adc_small_overload_exceed_counter *** adi,agc-adc-small-overload-exceed-counter
4, //agc_dig_gain_step_size *** adi,agc-dig-gain-step-size
3, //agc_dig_saturation_exceed_counter *** adi,agc-dig-saturation-exceed-counter
1000, // agc_gain_update_interval_us *** adi,agc-gain-update-interval-us
0, //agc_immed_gain_change_if_large_adc_overload_enable *** adi,agc-immed-gain-change-if-large-adc-overload-enable
0, //agc_immed_gain_change_if_large_lmt_overload_enable *** adi,agc-immed-gain-change-if-large-lmt-overload-enable
10, //agc_inner_thresh_high *** adi,agc-inner-thresh-high
1, //agc_inner_thresh_high_dec_steps *** adi,agc-inner-thresh-high-dec-steps
12, //agc_inner_thresh_low *** adi,agc-inner-thresh-low
1, //agc_inner_thresh_low_inc_steps *** adi,agc-inner-thresh-low-inc-steps
10, //agc_lmt_overload_large_exceed_counter *** adi,agc-lmt-overload-large-exceed-counter
2, //agc_lmt_overload_large_inc_steps *** adi,agc-lmt-overload-large-inc-steps
10, //agc_lmt_overload_small_exceed_counter *** adi,agc-lmt-overload-small-exceed-counter
5, //agc_outer_thresh_high *** adi,agc-outer-thresh-high
2, //agc_outer_thresh_high_dec_steps *** adi,agc-outer-thresh-high-dec-steps
18, //agc_outer_thresh_low *** adi,agc-outer-thresh-low
2, //agc_outer_thresh_low_inc_steps *** adi,agc-outer-thresh-low-inc-steps
1, //agc_attack_delay_extra_margin_us; *** adi,agc-attack-delay-extra-margin-us
0, //agc_sync_for_gain_counter_enable *** adi,agc-sync-for-gain-counter-enable
/* Fast AGC */
64, //fagc_dec_pow_measuremnt_duration *** adi,fagc-dec-pow-measurement-duration
260, //fagc_state_wait_time_ns *** adi,fagc-state-wait-time-ns
/* Fast AGC - Low Power */
0, //fagc_allow_agc_gain_increase *** adi,fagc-allow-agc-gain-increase-enable
5, //fagc_lp_thresh_increment_time *** adi,fagc-lp-thresh-increment-time
1, //fagc_lp_thresh_increment_steps *** adi,fagc-lp-thresh-increment-steps
/* Fast AGC - Lock Level (Lock Level is set via slow AGC inner high threshold) */
1, //fagc_lock_level_lmt_gain_increase_en *** adi,fagc-lock-level-lmt-gain-increase-enable
5, //fagc_lock_level_gain_increase_upper_limit *** adi,fagc-lock-level-gain-increase-upper-limit
/* Fast AGC - Peak Detectors and Final Settling */
1, //fagc_lpf_final_settling_steps *** adi,fagc-lpf-final-settling-steps
1, //fagc_lmt_final_settling_steps *** adi,fagc-lmt-final-settling-steps
3, //fagc_final_overrange_count *** adi,fagc-final-overrange-count
/* Fast AGC - Final Power Test */
0, //fagc_gain_increase_after_gain_lock_en *** adi,fagc-gain-increase-after-gain-lock-enable
/* Fast AGC - Unlocking the Gain */
0, //fagc_gain_index_type_after_exit_rx_mode *** adi,fagc-gain-index-type-after-exit-rx-mode
1, //fagc_use_last_lock_level_for_set_gain_en *** adi,fagc-use-last-lock-level-for-set-gain-enable
1, //fagc_rst_gla_stronger_sig_thresh_exceeded_en *** adi,fagc-rst-gla-stronger-sig-thresh-exceeded-enable
5, //fagc_optimized_gain_offset *** adi,fagc-optimized-gain-offset
10, //fagc_rst_gla_stronger_sig_thresh_above_ll *** adi,fagc-rst-gla-stronger-sig-thresh-above-ll
1, //fagc_rst_gla_engergy_lost_sig_thresh_exceeded_en *** adi,fagc-rst-gla-engergy-lost-sig-thresh-exceeded-enable
1, //fagc_rst_gla_engergy_lost_goto_optim_gain_en *** adi,fagc-rst-gla-engergy-lost-goto-optim-gain-enable
10, //fagc_rst_gla_engergy_lost_sig_thresh_below_ll *** adi,fagc-rst-gla-engergy-lost-sig-thresh-below-ll
8, //fagc_energy_lost_stronger_sig_gain_lock_exit_cnt *** adi,fagc-energy-lost-stronger-sig-gain-lock-exit-cnt
1, //fagc_rst_gla_large_adc_overload_en *** adi,fagc-rst-gla-large-adc-overload-enable
1, //fagc_rst_gla_large_lmt_overload_en *** adi,fagc-rst-gla-large-lmt-overload-enable
0, //fagc_rst_gla_en_agc_pulled_high_en *** adi,fagc-rst-gla-en-agc-pulled-high-enable
0, //fagc_rst_gla_if_en_agc_pulled_high_mode *** adi,fagc-rst-gla-if-en-agc-pulled-high-mode
64, //fagc_power_measurement_duration_in_state5 *** adi,fagc-power-measurement-duration-in-state5
2, //fagc_large_overload_inc_steps *** adi,fagc-adc-large-overload-inc-steps
/* RSSI Control */
1, //rssi_delay *** adi,rssi-delay
1000, //rssi_duration *** adi,rssi-duration
3, //rssi_restart_mode *** adi,rssi-restart-mode
0, //rssi_unit_is_rx_samples_enable *** adi,rssi-unit-is-rx-samples-enable
1, //rssi_wait *** adi,rssi-wait
/* Aux ADC Control */
256, //aux_adc_decimation *** adi,aux-adc-decimation
40000000UL, //aux_adc_rate *** adi,aux-adc-rate
/* AuxDAC Control */
1, //aux_dac_manual_mode_enable *** adi,aux-dac-manual-mode-enable
0, //aux_dac1_default_value_mV *** adi,aux-dac1-default-value-mV
0, //aux_dac1_active_in_rx_enable *** adi,aux-dac1-active-in-rx-enable
0, //aux_dac1_active_in_tx_enable *** adi,aux-dac1-active-in-tx-enable
0, //aux_dac1_active_in_alert_enable *** adi,aux-dac1-active-in-alert-enable
0, //aux_dac1_rx_delay_us *** adi,aux-dac1-rx-delay-us
0, //aux_dac1_tx_delay_us *** adi,aux-dac1-tx-delay-us
0, //aux_dac2_default_value_mV *** adi,aux-dac2-default-value-mV
0, //aux_dac2_active_in_rx_enable *** adi,aux-dac2-active-in-rx-enable
0, //aux_dac2_active_in_tx_enable *** adi,aux-dac2-active-in-tx-enable
0, //aux_dac2_active_in_alert_enable *** adi,aux-dac2-active-in-alert-enable
0, //aux_dac2_rx_delay_us *** adi,aux-dac2-rx-delay-us
0, //aux_dac2_tx_delay_us *** adi,aux-dac2-tx-delay-us
/* Temperature Sensor Control */
256, //temp_sense_decimation *** adi,temp-sense-decimation
1000, //temp_sense_measurement_interval_ms *** adi,temp-sense-measurement-interval-ms
0xCE, //temp_sense_offset_signed *** adi,temp-sense-offset-signed
1, //temp_sense_periodic_measurement_enable *** adi,temp-sense-periodic-measurement-enable
/* Control Out Setup */
0xFF, //ctrl_outs_enable_mask *** adi,ctrl-outs-enable-mask
0, //ctrl_outs_index *** adi,ctrl-outs-index
/* External LNA Control */
0, //elna_settling_delay_ns *** adi,elna-settling-delay-ns
0, //elna_gain_mdB *** adi,elna-gain-mdB
0, //elna_bypass_loss_mdB *** adi,elna-bypass-loss-mdB
0, //elna_rx1_gpo0_control_enable *** adi,elna-rx1-gpo0-control-enable
0, //elna_rx2_gpo1_control_enable *** adi,elna-rx2-gpo1-control-enable
0, //elna_gaintable_all_index_enable *** adi,elna-gaintable-all-index-enable
/* Digital Interface Control */
0, //digital_interface_tune_skip_mode *** adi,digital-interface-tune-skip-mode
0, //digital_interface_tune_fir_disable *** adi,digital-interface-tune-fir-disable
1, //pp_tx_swap_enable *** adi,pp-tx-swap-enable
1, //pp_rx_swap_enable *** adi,pp-rx-swap-enable
0, //tx_channel_swap_enable *** adi,tx-channel-swap-enable
0, //rx_channel_swap_enable *** adi,rx-channel-swap-enable
1, //rx_frame_pulse_mode_enable *** adi,rx-frame-pulse-mode-enable
0, //two_t_two_r_timing_enable *** adi,2t2r-timing-enable
0, //invert_data_bus_enable *** adi,invert-data-bus-enable
0, //invert_data_clk_enable *** adi,invert-data-clk-enable
0, //fdd_alt_word_order_enable *** adi,fdd-alt-word-order-enable
0, //invert_rx_frame_enable *** adi,invert-rx-frame-enable
0, //fdd_rx_rate_2tx_enable *** adi,fdd-rx-rate-2tx-enable
0, //swap_ports_enable *** adi,swap-ports-enable
0, //single_data_rate_enable *** adi,single-data-rate-enable
1, //lvds_mode_enable *** adi,lvds-mode-enable
0, //half_duplex_mode_enable *** adi,half-duplex-mode-enable
0, //single_port_mode_enable *** adi,single-port-mode-enable
0, //full_port_enable *** adi,full-port-enable
0, //full_duplex_swap_bits_enable *** adi,full-duplex-swap-bits-enable
0, //delay_rx_data *** adi,delay-rx-data
0, //rx_data_clock_delay *** adi,rx-data-clock-delay
4, //rx_data_delay *** adi,rx-data-delay
7, //tx_fb_clock_delay *** adi,tx-fb-clock-delay
0, //tx_data_delay *** adi,tx-data-delay
300, //lvds_bias_mV *** adi,lvds-bias-mV
150, //lvds_bias_mV *** adi,lvds-bias-mV
1, //lvds_rx_onchip_termination_enable *** adi,lvds-rx-onchip-termination-enable
0, //rx1rx2_phase_inversion_en *** adi,rx1-rx2-phase-inversion-enable
0xFF, //lvds_invert1_control *** adi,lvds-invert1-control
0x0F, //lvds_invert2_control *** adi,lvds-invert2-control
/* GPO Control */
0, //gpo_manual_mode_enable *** adi,gpo-manual-mode-enable
0, //gpo_manual_mode_enable_mask *** adi,gpo-manual-mode-enable-mask
0, //gpo0_inactive_state_high_enable *** adi,gpo0-inactive-state-high-enable
0, //gpo1_inactive_state_high_enable *** adi,gpo1-inactive-state-high-enable
0, //gpo2_inactive_state_high_enable *** adi,gpo2-inactive-state-high-enable
0, //gpo3_inactive_state_high_enable *** adi,gpo3-inactive-state-high-enable
0, //gpo0_slave_rx_enable *** adi,gpo0-slave-rx-enable
0, //gpo0_slave_tx_enable *** adi,gpo0-slave-tx-enable
0, //gpo1_slave_rx_enable *** adi,gpo1-slave-rx-enable
0, //gpo1_slave_tx_enable *** adi,gpo1-slave-tx-enable
0, //gpo2_slave_rx_enable *** adi,gpo2-slave-rx-enable
0, //gpo2_slave_tx_enable *** adi,gpo2-slave-tx-enable
0, //gpo3_slave_rx_enable *** adi,gpo3-slave-rx-enable
0, //gpo3_slave_tx_enable *** adi,gpo3-slave-tx-enable
0, //gpo0_rx_delay_us *** adi,gpo0-rx-delay-us
0, //gpo0_tx_delay_us *** adi,gpo0-tx-delay-us
0, //gpo1_rx_delay_us *** adi,gpo1-rx-delay-us
0, //gpo1_tx_delay_us *** adi,gpo1-tx-delay-us
0, //gpo2_rx_delay_us *** adi,gpo2-rx-delay-us
0, //gpo2_tx_delay_us *** adi,gpo2-tx-delay-us
0, //gpo3_rx_delay_us *** adi,gpo3-rx-delay-us
0, //gpo3_tx_delay_us *** adi,gpo3-tx-delay-us
/* Tx Monitor Control */
37000, //low_high_gain_threshold_mdB *** adi,txmon-low-high-thresh
0, //low_gain_dB *** adi,txmon-low-gain
24, //high_gain_dB *** adi,txmon-high-gain
0, //tx_mon_track_en *** adi,txmon-dc-tracking-enable
0, //one_shot_mode_en *** adi,txmon-one-shot-mode-enable
511, //tx_mon_delay *** adi,txmon-delay
8192, //tx_mon_duration *** adi,txmon-duration
2, //tx1_mon_front_end_gain *** adi,txmon-1-front-end-gain
2, //tx2_mon_front_end_gain *** adi,txmon-2-front-end-gain
48, //tx1_mon_lo_cm *** adi,txmon-1-lo-cm
48, //tx2_mon_lo_cm *** adi,txmon-2-lo-cm
/* GPIO definitions */
.number = -1,
.platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
.extra = GPIO_PARAM
}, //gpio_resetb *** reset-gpios
/* MCS Sync */
.number = -1,
.platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
.extra = GPIO_PARAM
}, //gpio_sync *** sync-gpios

.number = -1,
.platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
.extra = GPIO_PARAM
}, //gpio_cal_sw1 *** cal-sw1-gpios

.number = -1,
.platform_ops = GPIO_OPS,
.extra = GPIO_PARAM
}, //gpio_cal_sw2 *** cal-sw2-gpios

.device_id = SPI_DEVICE_ID,
.mode = NO_OS_SPI_MODE_1,
.chip_select = SPI_CS,
.platform_ops = SPI_OPS,
.extra = SPI_PARAM

/* External LO clocks */
NULL, //(*ad9361_rfpll_ext_recalc_rate)()
NULL, //(*ad9361_rfpll_ext_round_rate)()
NULL, //(*ad9361_rfpll_ext_set_rate)()
&rx_adc_init, // *rx_adc_init
&tx_dac_init, // *tx_dac_init

My IP (adrvfw_top_v001) outputs data belongs to a BOC modulation. Output port consists of 32 bit, 16 LSBs are for I component (equal to +1 or -1), and 16 MSBs are for Q component (always 0) of symbol. After a concatenation with 32 bits of 0s (I am using a single channel mode, 1R1T), 64 bits data are stored CORRECTLY in an axi-stream asynchronous fifo, which is read by upack block.

The problem is that Upack module outputs on fifo_rd_output_0[15:0] port 0s interleaved with data to be transmitted, and therefore, this sequence is in input of AD9361 interface block too; I can check this sequence with chipscope provided by Vivado. The sequence is as follows

If I understand well on the upack output ports fifo_rd_output_0[15:0] must be the I component for transceiver channel 0, if so, the 0s must not be there.

What is the potential error in this set-up? Do I drive in a bad way the upack input ports, or maybe the configuration setting in software is not correct?

Thread Notes

  • The IP is documented here:

    > My IP (adrvfw_top_v001) outputs data belongs to a BOC modulation. Output port consists of 32 bit, 16 LSBs are for I component (equal to +1 or -1), and 16 MSBs are for Q component (always 0) of symbol.

    The interveled data to be consumed by the upack is show in image .

    Can you scope fifo_rd_valid, fifo_rd_underflow, s_axis_ready, enable_0, enable_1 from the upack?

    From what I understood, your IP is either: improperly interleaving data or not enabling the enable_1 port.

    A quick check you could do is set the Q component to a known pattern instead of 0s, and then also the later concatenated 32 bits of 0s.

    There are also testbenches that use the upack (fmcomms2, mxfe, ad_quadmxfe1_ebz, ad9083) that may help you to understand how the IP works

  • Thank you for your quick replay.

    I took your advise, I checked testbenches using upack (in particular, I chose fmcomms2), and it seems that the input 64-bits are "packed" as follows:

    - s_axi_data[15:0] routed to fifo_rd_data_0

    - s_axi_data[31:16] routed to fifo_rd_data_1

    - s_axi_data[47:32] routed to fifo_rd_data_2

    - s_axi_data[64:48] routed to fifo_rd_data_3

    as can be seen in the following screenshot.

    Therefore, I think my design (adrvfw_top_v001 + xlconcat_0 + axis_data_fifo_0) drives upack in the correct way. I report below screenshot of adrvfw_top_v001, xlconcat_0, axis_data_fifo_0, and upack signals with chipscope.

    As we can see, upack ready signal toward axis_data_fifo_0 (axis_data_fifo_0_M_AXIS: TREADY) toggles, alternating active and no-active phases.

    In my opinion, this ready toggling introduce 0s in dac_upak_fifo_rd_data_0. In the previous screenshot (upack testbench), ready signal (s_axis_ready) is always high and no 0s are introduced  in fifo_rd_data_*.

    I guess it could be a ad9361 interface o ad9361 transceiver bad configuration.

    As a reminder, I'm using configuration with 1 channel, 1R1T mode, cmos project, double data rate, full duplex, dual port; all info are reported in the first post containing initial paramters in main.c file and app_config.h.

    Can you help me to understand?


    Your m_axis payload is 0000_0000_0000_7FFF .  and it looks like the UPACK is configured as 1 NUM_OF_CHANNELS, 2 SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL and 16 SAMPLE_DATA_WIDTH. Something simple you can try is to set the m_axis payload to 1234_DEAD_BEEF_7FFF and see how the data is propagating.

  • Upack has configured with:

    -  NUM_OF_CHANNELS = 4 (64 bit input, meaning 16 bit x 4)



    Yes, my m_axis payload is 0000_0000_0000_7FFF, and this 64 bit upack input signal is propagated in this way:

    my_axi_fifo provides 64 bit input signal to upack (axis_data_fifo_0_M_AXIS_*),

    then upack forwards upack_fifo_rd_data to ad9361_dac_fifo (upack_fifo_rd_data_*),

    and finally to ad9361_interface (ad9361_dac_fifo_dout_data_0).

    Below the waveforms and block diagram

  • Can you try enabling all channels?

    I'm pretty sure at your configuration the data is being unpacked as follows:

    dout_data_0: A[15:0]->A[47:32]->B[15:0]->B[47:32]

    dout_data_1: A[31:16]->A[63:48]->B[31:0]->B[63:48]

    for a m_axis sequence [A,B]

    Or enabling only the single channel dout_data_0, you should obtain

    dout_data_0: A[15:0]->A[31:16]->A[47:32]->A[63:48]

  • Thanks for your replay

    Following your advices now I can see the correct input for ad9361 interface without zeros between data. I drove the upack as you said in the previous message

    Thanks for the support