I would like to loop back my rx signal to the tx output of the ad9361, but I would like to implement this in the fpga, so I don't need to set this setting every time on start up. which connection should I make on my axi_ad9361?
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The AD9361 is a high performance, highly integrated radio
frequency (RF) Agile Transceiverâ„¢ designed for use in 3G and
4G base station applications....
AD9361 on Analog.com
I would like to loop back my rx signal to the tx output of the ad9361, but I would like to implement this in the fpga, so I don't need to set this setting every time on start up. which connection should I make on my axi_ad9361?
buha - Moved from Microcontroller no-OS Drivers to FPGA Reference Designs. Post date updated from Wednesday, July 3, 2024 2:55 PM UTC to Wednesday, July 10, 2024 11:22 AM UTC to reflect the move.
Hi, loopback the following signals: *_data_*, *_clk_*, and *_frame_*. E.g., for CMOS, loopback the signals highlighted:
For LVDS, the signals are the same but differential pairs (e.g. rx_frame_in_n
/p, as shown in the interface ports table)
See http://analogdevicesinc.github.io/hdl/library/axi_ad9361/index.html for a preview of the IP block.
You can edit the bd tcl to create the loopback instead of the ports. Just also make sure to remove the removed ports from the xdc (cmos, lvds)