I am trying to set up a vivado project to support the KC705+FMCOMM3 version of the AD9361 evaluation board . I cloned the https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl repo. And I believe the correct vivado reference design resides in /hdl/projects/fmcomms2/kc705/ . But which branch should I use?
I tried runing "make" in main as well as hdl_2021_2 branches, both gave me the following error: ERROR: [Vivado 12-13638] Failed runs(s) : 'system_axi_ad9361_adc_dma_0_synth_1' 'system_axi_ad9361_adc_dma_0_synth_1' run failed with below errors. ERROR: [Synth 8-439] module 'sync_event' not found [/home/alin84@icl.gtri.org/working/knight_sky/adi/hdl/projects/fmcomms2/kc705/fmcomms2_kc705.gen/sources_1/bd/system/ipshared/7d47/request_arb.v:883]
I tried hdl_2022_2 branch, this branch gave me a different error: ERROR: [Place 30-68] Instance i_system_wrapper/system_i/axi_spi/U0/NO_DUAL_QUAD_MODE.QSPI_NORMAL/QSPI_LEGACY_MD_GEN.QSPI_CORE_INTERFACE_I/LOGIC_FOR_MD_0_GEN.SPI_MODULE_I/RATIO_NOT_EQUAL_4_GENERATE.SCK_O_NQ_4_NO_STARTUP_USED.SCK_O_NE_4_FDRE_INST (FDRE) is not placed
Kindly let me know which branch is the correct one to run "make" in order to generate a bitstream as well as populating a Vivado project. Thank you.