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ADRV9009-ZU11EG RF-SOM expected operating temperature

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADRV9009-ZU11EG RF-SOM, ADRV9009

Hello, I'm working on a ADRV9009-ZU11EG RF-SOM based system which has been mounted with the ADI recommended thermal pad and fan. The system runs a Linux image generated following the ADI instructions (petalinux + adi layer).

Everything is working properly .. But I've a doubt about the ADRV9009 chip temperature. With all RX channels turned on, I typically read (IIO) a ADRV9009 chip temperature of about ~75 Deg Celsius. The fan on top of the  ADRV9009-ZU11EG RF-SOM is rotating but at a relatively low speed.

Is this a expected behavior ? (I personally would expect to have the fun running at a higher speed for a stable 75 Deg temperature). What should I expect as a typical ADRV9009 Temperature when the system is turned on?

Thanks in advance...


Parents Reply
  • Hello, many thanks for the fast answer... the discussion you mentioned do not gives any advice about what is the temperature one should expect  when the fan speed control mechanism is working properly.

    Since I built the Linux Image using ADI layer of Petalinux, I would expect that the fan speed control daemon (if any) is automatically built and started at stem boot.

