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Help in building No-OS for Zedboard and FMCOMMS2 using Vitis 2023.2

Category: Software
Product Number: AD9361
Software Version: Vivado 2023.2

Hi.. I am building a transceiver using Zedbaord + FMCOMMS2 (AD9361) board and I am using Vivado and Vitis 2023.2 on windows 11.  My target is to build a no-os or BareMetal with custom modulations blocks. The HDL version provided by analog devices is made to work with 2023.2, but its respective No-OS files are not available. Also, there is no documentation available to add user defined HDL block in the design. If anybody done this kind of setup please help me. 

I am able to build the xsa file for the given HDL files but it is not working with the No-Os files available in the github. HDL code they are recommending  vivado 2023.2 but the no-os files are not compatible for this.

Any leads are appreciated.

Parents Reply
  • Hi, connect your memory mapped AXI HDL to the processing system and do read and write registers with the vendor (xilinx) SDK methods, for example Xil_In32 , Xil_Out32 (think of it as the Xilinx platform specific of Linux Kenrel writel/readl).

    no-OS has the API for each controller (SPI, I2C, etc) and then the platform implementation (xilinx, st, etc), you can skip the API wrapper, actually, you can call it directly from your main.c.

    I believe there is no further doc from our side, go after the Xilinx SDK doc instead.

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