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Help in building No-OS for Zedboard and FMCOMMS2 using Vitis 2023.2

Category: Software
Product Number: AD9361
Software Version: Vivado 2023.2

Hi.. I am building a transceiver using Zedbaord + FMCOMMS2 (AD9361) board and I am using Vivado and Vitis 2023.2 on windows 11.  My target is to build a no-os or BareMetal with custom modulations blocks. The HDL version provided by analog devices is made to work with 2023.2, but its respective No-OS files are not available. Also, there is no documentation available to add user defined HDL block in the design. If anybody done this kind of setup please help me. 

I am able to build the xsa file for the given HDL files but it is not working with the No-Os files available in the github. HDL code they are recommending  vivado 2023.2 but the no-os files are not compatible for this.

Any leads are appreciated.

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