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I need FPGA having/compatible with DAC (13/14 bit digital data @ 1MHz sample rate ). pls suggest suitable methods to interface DAC with FPGA?

I am planning to implement my design(every sub module of design is clocked at 1MHz) using FPGA, finally I need to produce analog wave at output using DAC (13/14 bit digital data @ 1MHz sample rate ). We have BASYS-3,ZYBO,Zedboard and Nexys-4 FPGA board available. Is there any ADI DAC's available to meet my design requirements? Also  pls suggest any methods to interface DAC with FPGA?

  • Hello,

    Out of all the carriers that you've listed, only Zedboard is suited for what projects we have, since ours are FMC based designs.

    You can check out this project AD5758/Zed or AD9783-EBZ/ZCU102 (this can be ported onto Zedboard by using this guide). For both of them you need an adaptor from their connector to FMC.

    Though the AD5758 chip is a 16-bit DAC, and its sampling rate depends on how fast your system can work... If you can compromise a little bit regarding the 1MHz requirement, this might be good, but you need to check the datasheet.

    The AD9783 chip has many more modes and one of them is the 14-bit resolution, and the sampling rate is in range (it goes up to 500MHz).

    Also, you can search here through our catalog, by giving some parameters to fit your requirements for the evaluation board. If you find another one other than the 2 mentioned above, then check in this list  to see if we have a design for it already.
